Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System
This training is designed for P&P and PCC/PCP staff who complete AFCARS requirements within the i-twist system. In this training, participants will understand the purpose of AFCARS, the role AFCARS serves, and where AFCARS elements can be located within the i-twist system....(read more)
Adult Protective Services: Safety, Prevention, and Aftercare Plans
This training is intended for all Protection and Permanency workers responsible for Adult Protective Services cases. The purpose of this training is to discuss when and how to use the Safety, Prevention, and Aftercare planning tools to effectively work in partnership with vulnerable adults....(read more)
Advanced Practical Training Institute: Frontline Child Protective Services
This is a two (2) day training designed for frontline Child Protective Services (CPS) staff. The first day of the Institute lays the groundwork for the participants’ knowledge about systems safety. The content provides a framework of system safety and is designed to engage participants with a comprehensive and holistic introduction to Human Factors and System Safety. Contrasting models and approaches are presented to give participants an increased command of relevant scientific literature. Concepts and learning objectives are presented in a way that enables participants to make information meaningful. Throughout the course, information is strategically and thoughtfully connected to their work. The second day of the Institute is directed toward teaching participants on how to integrate safety science concepts into investigations of abuse and neglect in a trauma informed manner that supports psychological safety for the children and families they encounter. Attention is given to current roles, administrative rules, and legislative mandates so that concepts are able to be imbedded into everyday work that is compatible with these roles, rules and mandates....(read more)
Protection & Permanency
Aetna Better Health of Kentucky SKY Program Overview
The participants will be provided with an overview of the KY SKY program; including the contractual requirements of the program; the organization, staffing, infrastructure to support the program; and how the state/Cabinet sister agencies define roles and responsibilities and collaborate to meet the needs of the KY SKY population. In addition, participants will be provided with an overview of the MCO contractual requirements as they relate to practice transformation, reporting, quality improvement initiatives, and service delivery. Also, participants will be introduced to the KY SKY organizational structure, the System of Care structure, the Care Coordination Model of service delivery, and points of contact for issue resolution....(read more)
Alternative Response Practice Foundations
Staff will differentiate practices in child welfare that are transactional versus relational, as well as describe Alternative Response and the differences in an investigative response. They will formulate a plan for initiation that is based on the needs of the family and follow the preferences outline in policy. It will be important to determine when to use additional investigative techniques to Alternative Response to ensure child safety, and assess and plan for child safety utilizing the SDM. Staff will experiment with family interview techniques that support the assessment of safety, risk, and family functioning and be able to recognize situations that require a pathway upgrade to an investigation. Participants will empower families to identify their strengths, needs, and solutions in addition to advocating for creative use of services and supports to meet family-identified needs....(read more)
Protection & Permanency
American Red Cross: Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED
The purpose of the American Red Cross training is to help participants recognize and respond appropriately to cardiac, breathing and first aid emergencies. The courses in this program teach skills that participants need to know to give immediate care to a suddenly injured or ill person until more advanced medical personnel arrive and take over. This could be a mixture of online and face-to-face learning.
This certification is valid for 2 years as of January 1, 2011....(read more)
All Functions
Americans with Disabilities Act
This web-based training includes the history of the ADA, who is and is not protected under the ADA, what is considered a disability, which types of businesses must comply with the ADA, and what is considered Reasonable Accommodation according to the ADA. A guided tour of the ADA website and a list of contacts and resource information for use on the job will be provided during the training....(read more)
An Introduction to Alternative Response
This training will help staff identify the core elements of Kentucky’s Alternative Response (AR) Model and recount the historical context for the implementation of AR in Kentucky. Staff will also discover the outcomes from other states implementing AR that Kentucky hopes to replicate and compare/contrast AR and investigation practices. Staff will also distinguish which types of referrals will be eligible for ineligible for AR....(read more)
Behavioral Health Screener TWIST Navigation
This web-based training is designed for all P&P supervisors and frontline workers. This web-based training will walk participants through the process of entering the Behavioral Health Screener and required documentation to make a referral to the Mental Health Care Provider....(read more)
Building Manager Safety
This training was designed for Building Managers and other identified staff that will help in emergency situations such as fire drills, building evacuations, non-evacuation emergencies, etc. and other non-emergency facility issues....(read more)
Call Services for Case Workers
This web-based training is intended for FS Staff assigned to work in the functional area of Call Services. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to successfully log into and navigate the Call Services system, answer phone calls, set their status, transfer calls and request assistance as necessary....(read more)
Participants completing this training should be assigned to work in the functional area of Call Services.
Call Services for Supervisors and Monitors
This web-based training is intended for FS Supervisors or Public Assistance Program Specialists assigned to the function of DCBS Call Services. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to successfully log into and navigate the Interaction Client Business Manager (ICBM) phone system. Supervisors and Monitors will be able to monitor and manage users and workspaces, manage various views, and respond to Assistance Requests as well as reviewing recorded calls, monitoring in-process calls, and running reports.
CAPTA: Child Abuse Prevention Treatment Act Hearings
This web-based training will provide P&P staff with basic information concerning the appeal process that an individual and families can initiate when they do not agree with the actions of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Staff will be given the materials and information that need to be made available when CAPTA appeals have been filed by clients.
This training is a prerequisite for Specialized Referrals and Assessments in Day Cares, Schools and Other Out-of-Home Care Settings....(read more)
Care Plus Parenting for Foster/Adoptive Parents: Training of Trainers
This TOT is intended for individuals who will be training foster/adoptive parents for the level of Care Plus. This training is not open to PCCs as they have therapeutic care and this is not a therapeutic model. Topics covered include SOPs related to this area as well as documentation, how to deal with behaviors and how to work with the birth parents of these children. Participants attending this training will be required to complete the Care Plus: Introduction web-based training.
Foster/Adoptive Parents attending to become trainers must be an approved care plus home....(read more)
Care Plus: Introduction.
Protection & Permanency and Foster Parents
Moodle Scheduled
Care Plus: Introduction
This web-based training is for Foster/Adoptive Parents and Kinship Care Providers who are caring for children who have the more difficult behaviors to manage. This training will help caregivers understand the child and birth family needs and ways to meet those needs. This training is a prerequisite to attending the Care Plus series of classroom trainings and includes an overview. Culture and skill building are included....(read more)
Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma for Foster/Adoptive Parents: Training of Trainers
This training, conducted by the UK Center on Trauma and Children, is designed to be taught by a mental health/child welfare professional with foster/adoptive parents as co-facilitators. It includes nine case studies of representative foster children from the ages of 8 months to 15 years, as well as cases of secondary traumatic stress in foster/adoptive parents. For those regions that serve military families, adaptations have been made to allow for application of the material to the special circumstances faced by children of military families, or foster/adoptive parents who may be members of the military.
During the training, participants will demonstrate skills learned throughout the three day training by teaching a component of the curriculum....(read more)
Protection & Permanency
Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma: Sessions I-VIII
This training is for Foster/Adoptive Parents and Private Child Care Parents. Participants completing this training will be able to effectively communicate the importance of trauma-informed care giving for abused and neglected children to other professionals and resource parents; effectively coach others on how to engage caregivers in the process of developing specialized skills to care for trauma-affected children; acquire additional knowledge regarding the more complex issues involved with trauma informed care giving such as trauma’s effects on brain development, creating psychological safety and dealing with feelings and behaviors....(read more)
Foster Parents
Caring for Children with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
This web-based training, intended for Foster/Adoptive and Private Child Care Parents, will guide participants through caring for a child with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). It can be used as a reference to help care for a child in the home with NAS. This training cannot be used as child-specific training....(read more)
Case Management Part I: Case Planning
This training is designed for new Protection and Permanency workers who have successfully completed Social Work Principles, Intake Process Systems, and CPS Assessment Skills and Policies of Foundations in Child, Family, and Adult Services. This training consists of asynchronous and synchronous learning components regarding Case Planning, Individual and Family Level Objectives, Readiness for Change, Family First, Service Array, In Home Conferences, Plan of Safe Care, Mental Health, Substance Misuse, Trauma, Court, and Intimate Partner Violence....(read more)
Social Work Principles; Intake Process Systems; Medical Indicators; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part I; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part II; i-TWIST: Case Planning Navigation--Case Tasks; i-TWIST: Case Planning Navigation--In-Home; i-TWIST: Court Information; i-TWIST: Medical and Disability Navigation; i-TWIST: Offline Application--Part IV
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Case Management Part II: Out-of-Home Care
This training is designed for new Protection and Permanency workers who have successfully completed Social Work Principles, Intake Process Systems, CPS Assessment Skills and Policies, and Case Management Part 1 of Foundations in Child Family, and Adult Services. This training consists of asynchronous and synchronous learning components regarding Out of Home Care (OOHC) Case Planning including Individual and Family Level Objectives, Tasks and the Child and Youth Action Plan, Visitation, Reunification, Family First, OOHC Conferences, Mental Health, Substance Misuse, Trauma, Court, and Permanency Options....(read more)
Social Work Principles; Intake Process Systems; Medical Indicators; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part I; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part II; Case Management Part I: Case Planning; i-TWIST: Out-of-Home Care for New Removals; i-TWIST: Prior Removal and Adoption Screens; i-TWIST Case Planning Navigation--Out-of-Home Care
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Child Care Assistance Program Enrollment and Copays
This web-based training is intended to instruct Family Support workers on Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) provider enrollment on Worker Portal, and calculations for CCAP copays. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to complete the enrollment process on Worker Portal and calculate copays for CCAP.
Child Care Assistance Program: DCC-94
This web-based training is intended to instruct Family Support workers on the DCC-94 Child Care Service Agreement and Certificate, including reviewing and explaining the form to clients, and completing the task when the form is returned. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to interpret the information found on the DCC-94 and complete the pending child care enrollment on Worker Portal when a signed form is returned.
Child Care Assistance Program: Refresher
This virtual training is intended for tenured workers who have completed initial CCAP training and have been working CCAP cases on Worker Portal. This refresher is an instructor-facilitated course conducted via MS Teams. This course includes advanced policy, procedures, and system entry for education and/or work requirements, exemptions, and grace periods, provider enrollments, provider changes, and the DCC-94....(read more)
SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment or SNAP, CCAP, MAGI, and MSP: Part IV, and Child Care Assistance Program: Refresher Pre-Test, Child Care Assistance Program Enrollment and Copays, and Child Care Assistance Program: DCC-94
Family Support
Child Care Assistance Program: Refresher Post-Test
This web-based post-test is intended for Family Support employees who are enrolled in the Child Care Assistance Program: Refresher training and will be used to measure learning after attending the virtual class on Teams....(read more)
SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment; Child Care Assistance Program: DCC-94; Child Care Assistance Program Enrollment and Copays
Child Care Assistance Program: Refresher Pre-Test
This test is intended for Family Support employees who are enrolled in Child Care Assistance Program: Refresher training and will be used to measure knowledge before attending the virtual class on Teams....(read more)
SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment; Child Care Assistance Program: DCC-94; Child Care Assistance Program Enrollment and Copays
Child Development and Forensic Interviewing
This web-based training is a prerequisite to Forensic Interviewing training and will focus on child development for Toddlers, Preschoolers, Early School, Elementary School and adolescent children. It will examine normal development for these ages in four areas: Physical, Cognitive/Linguistic, Emotional/Social and Sexual/Genital. Additionally, the training will provide key points for the connection between child development and formulation of forensic interviewing questions. The course consists of multiple choice and true false questions....(read more)
Child Development in Child Welfare
This web-based training is designed as a refresher to assist child welfare professionals in understanding and applying child development knowledge in a child welfare setting. After completion of this training, participants will be able to apply child development knowledge, from birth to adolescence, while assessing CPS cases....(read more)
Child Protection Services Track: Pre-Test
This web-based training is used to measure knowledge of Child Protection Services workers before attending the P&P Academy.
Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part I
This training is designed for new Protection and Permanency workers who have successfully completed Social Work Principles and Intake Process Systems of Foundations in Child, Family, and Adult Services. This training consists of asynchronous and synchronous learning components regarding Biases, Cultural Humility, Trauma, Poverty vs Neglect, Mental Health, Substance Misuse, Relapse and Recovery, Family Solutions, Interviewing Skills, Assessment and Documentation Tools, Safety vs. Risk, Prevention Planning, and Safety Planning....(read more)
Social Work Principles; Intake Process Systems; Medical Indicators; Methamphetamines 101; i-TWIST: Documentation of Individual Information and Contact Screens; i-TWIST: Assessment and Documentation Tool and Maintaining System Integrity; i-TWIST: Offline Application-Part II; i-TWIST: Offline Application-Part III.
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part II
This training is designed for new Protection and Permanency workers who have successfully completed Social Work Principles and Intake Process Systems of Foundations in Child, Family, and Adult Services. This training consists of asynchronous and synchronous learning components regarding Removal Decisions, Service Array, Court (Criminal and Family), Human Trafficking, Working with Supervisors, Engaging Families, Engaging Fathers, Intimate Partner Violence, and Family First....(read more)
Social Work Principles; Intake Process Systems; Labor Trafficking of Children and Youth; Medical Indicators; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part I
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Child Sexual Abuse in Child Welfare
This training is designed for new Protection and Permanency workers who have successfully completed Social Work Principles, Intake Process Systems, CPS Assessment Skills and Policy, and Case Management of Foundations in Child, Family, and Adult Services. This training consists of asynchronous and synchronous learning components regarding Sexual Development, Human Trafficking, Effects of Sexual Abuse, Dynamics and Indicators, Interviewing the Victim, Non-Offending Parent, and Perpetrator, Female and Adolescent Perpetrators, Roles and Responsibilities of the Social Service Worker, Working with the Victim, Court, and Self Care....(read more)
Social Work Principles; Intake Process Systems; Medical Indicators; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part I; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part II; Case Management Part I: Case Planning; Case Management Part II: Out-of-Home Care; Family First: Leveling and Placement; Family First: Case Planning Process for Qualified Residential Treatment Program/Congregate Care; Sex Trafficking of Children and Youth.
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Children’s Review Program Portal: Qualified Residential Treatment Program Assessments
This web-based training is intended for the Children Review Program (CRP) staff. Participants will learn how to complete a Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP) assessment for youth in congregate care. This training will also demonstrate how to assign levels and identify placements for youth in Out of Home Care....(read more)
Civil Rights Review
This web-based training is required to be completed annually by all FS Staff including front-line staff, administrative staff and supervisors. This training is required for Kentucky to maintain compliance with Civil Rights laws and regulations. The collection and use of data, conflict resolution, complaint process, civil rights review process, customer service and providing reasonable accommodations for the disabled will all be covered....(read more)
Clarifying Forms for Dependency, Neglect, and Abuse Cases
This session will review the purpose and requirements around dependency, neglect and abuse (DNA) forms, specifically the importance of completing DNA forms correctly for Title IV-E reimbursement. This session will offer clarification on common interpretation barriers when filling out DNA forms and issues related to DNA-9s when granting permanent custody. Finally, a review on reasonable efforts will be included as it relates to Title IV-E....(read more)
Coaching Remotely
This training is intended for supervisors. Coaching in the child welfare workforce often happens face-to-face or in context of daily work activities. With our shift to virtual work, face-to-face contact may have been curtailed but connecting and supporting growth does not need to stop. This session will explore what stays the same and what adjustments must be made when coaching remotely....(read more)
Collaborating to Improve Outcomes for Kids and Families
This session focuses on clarifying policies and expectations around relative placements and defining who is considered fictive kin. This session also highlights barriers around transition age youth, the court’s role in engaging this population, and the benefits of recommitment. There is also need-to-know information about multiple placements and moving children from foster home to foster home....(read more)
Collaborative Care Management
Participants will understand the process of Care Management and ways in which DCBS and SKY Care Managers can work together to best serve their clients. They will be able to understand the assessments that SKY Care Managers complete on each client and each level of Care Management involvement in each case. Participants will understand other evidenced based engagements that Care Managers are using such as High Fidelity WrapAround, Family Finding, Charting the LifeCourse, and the use of UniteUs for resources for enrollees....(read more)
Collaborative Safety Leadership
This Collaborative Safety training is designed for P&P supervisors and leadership. This training combines the content from the staff training and adds content for supervisors and leadership. The training will explore the following: How Collaborative safety supports agencies to establish and maintain a safety culture, the importance of integrating Safety Science to human service agencies, the main values and components of old and new view thinking, language that is more consistent with new view of safety and how to use this language, what a "second story" is, how to facilitate discussions with staff on the "second story", how staff are held accountable in a Safety Culture when there are performance issues or when connected to a critical incident, dilemmas organizations face when there is too much focus on worker output metrics....(read more)
Collaborative Safety Staff
This Collaborative Safety training is designed for P&P staff. This content will explore the following: How Collaborative safety supports agencies to establish and maintain a safety culture, the importance of integrating Safety Science to human service agencies, the main values and components of old and new view thinking, language that is more consistent with new view of safety and how to use this language, and what a "second story" is and how staff can better explain their work....(read more)
Collaborative Safety: Orientation
This training is intended for Support Service Aides, Frontline Staff, Supervisors, and Community Partners and will introduce safety science concepts, old views and new views of safety and how the agency is going to conduct critical incident reviews in the new model. The training supports the agency’s commitment to engaging all staff in the safety culture of the organization and will serve as a substantial purpose in creating agency alignment and increasing staff engagement....(read more)
Protection & Permanency
Compassion in Crisis
The training is intended for Child Welfare professionals who work directly with families in crisis. Participants will develop a personal conflict cycle and identify the importance of self care and professionalism during challenging situations. Behavioral indicators of trauma and secondary stress will be explored. Participants will also demonstrate the appropriate use of the HEAT de-escalation model....(read more)
Protection & Permanency
Continuous Quality Improvement Overview
The purpose of this mandatory training, intended for all DCBS (P&P and Family Support) staff, is to learn how DCBS has maintained utilization of the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) process as a performance and quality assurance and /improvement mechanism. This training will inform the CQI Specialist's role and the CQI Redesign steps--including the CQI Academy, Self-Assessment, and the next steps to implement recommendations from these efforts. This training also includes a demonstration of the CQI process and flow. This is an overview of Kentucky’s Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) CQI process. The CQI process is a performance and quality improvement mechanism that is utilized throughout our agency. CQI is the avenue for achievement of sustainable improvement in meeting agency goals and outcomes in serving families and children....(read more)
CORE TEEN: Continued Connections
The purpose of this web-based learning opportunity is to convey the importance of supporting and maintaining connections with those the youth has had a past relationship. This training is designed for foster and adoptive parents/caregivers. This could include biological family members, prior foster parents, coaches, teachers, etc. In this program, continued connections mean honoring the teens’ former attachments, recognizing and accepting that the teen has another family and previous connections, and understanding the teen’s attachment and loyalty to that family may be significant....(read more)
CORE TEEN: Parental Adaptation
The purpose of this web-based learning opportunity is to enhance participants knowledge around Parental Adaptation. This training is designed for foster and adoptive parents/caregivers. Parental Adaptation is based on the idea that youth cannot be parented in the same manner as "traditional" parenting. It targets the thinking and skills parents will need to adjust to assure that their parenting responses successfully respond to the needs of the youth....(read more)
CORE TEEN: Parental Regulation
The purpose of this web-based learning opportunity is to enhance the participants understanding of parental regulation. This training is designed for foster and adoptive parents/caregivers. Parental Regulation is the set of skills and abilities that help participants manage feelings and behaviors so that they can then use the right skills, interventions and supports at the right time....(read more)
CORE TEEN: Relationship Development
The purpose of this web-based learning opportunity is to enhance the participants learning around Relationship Development. This training is designed for foster and adoptive parents/caregivers. In this program, Relationship Development is defined as the critical tasks and skills required to engage, increase commitment and positive connection, and develop a supportive healing relationship between foster caregivers and the youth in their homes....(read more)
CORE TEEN: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression
The purpose of this web-based learning opportunity is to enhance participants learning around sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE). This training is designed for foster and adoptive parents/caregivers. SOGIE is a term that includes all types of sexual orientation and gender identities and expressions. In this program, the term diverse SOGIE is used to describe youth who are expressing a non-traditional sexual orientation or gender identity, and who need to be supported through their sexual orientation or gender identity exploration with understanding and acceptance....(read more)
CORE TEEN: Transition Support for Youth in Out-of-Home Care
The purpose of this web-based training is to enhance learning around transitions. This training is designed for foster and adoptive parents/caregivers. This session focuses on how change impacts the youth, foster and adoptive parents, and their family. Strategies are introduced to help foster and adoptive parents prepare for and manage the emotional impact (stress, fear, uncertainty, pain, loneliness, anxiety and hopelessness) that are often a part of the transition process....(read more)
CORE TEEN: Trauma Informed Resource Parenting I: Understanding and Recognizing the Effects of Trauma
The purpose of this web-based learning opportunity is to continue to enhance your understanding and recognition of the effects of trauma and trauma-informed parenting. This training is designed for foster and adoptive parents/caregivers. This session explores how trauma affects the youth’s physical, psychological and emotional well-being and introduces the critical framework of "Regulate, Relate, Reason" which will help you remember how to best respond to youth who have been affected by all types of trauma. Trauma informed resource parenting is defined as the framework that includes understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma on children and youth in care....(read more)
CORE TEEN: Trauma Informed Resource Parenting II: Understanding Behavior
The purpose of this web-based learning opportunity is to further explore how trauma effects youth’s behaviors. This training is designed for foster and adoptive parents/caregivers. The experience of trauma often produces behaviors that will seem out of context and usually includes anger, mistrust or defiance. The experience of trauma can also impact school performance and relationships and can result in delays in and social skills and development. Participants will explore how the interactions and interventions used with youth who have experienced trauma are different than those used with youth who have not experienced trauma....(read more)
Court Etiquette and Judicial Expectations
This session focuses on best practices regarding professional etiquette in the courtroom, tips for successful testimony in dependency, neglect and abuse (DNA) cases and considerations for written reports. The session will also include judicial expectations for social workers, including how to prepare for court, general tips on what the court wants child welfare workers to know and how judicial and social worker relationships can be improved....(read more)
CPS Decision Making
This training is designed for Child Welfare professionals to strengthen their skill development in assessing and identifying safety, risk, and protective factors to aid decision-making. In this hands-on training, participants are guided to gather information using the SDM Safety and Risk Assessment, interviewing skills, and critical thinking skills. This training focuses on gathering and processing information to make informed decisions. This training is designed to be attended by supervisors and their teams. Anyone attending without their supervisor or team will be combined with others attending the training....(read more)
Depending on job classification, the participant must take Introduction to CPS Decision Making for Staff or Introduction to CPS Decision Making for Supervisors.
Protection & Permanency
Crossing State Lines: Breaking Down Border Barriers in Child Welfare
This session will provide a deep-dive into the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) and the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), clarification of the role of both the courts and the Department for Community Based Services in these cases, and the importance of communication and collaboration throughout each case....(read more)
CW Prep: Social Work Principles-Part I
This course is designed to prepare CW Prep students for working with families through knowledge and skills on a variety of topics. Those topics include: professionalism, self-care, trauma, implicit bias, racial equity, engaging families, poverty, neglect, safety and risk. Students will have an opportunity to practice and demonstrate new skills learned throughout the training....(read more)
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
CW Prep: Social Work Principles-Part II
This course is designed to integrate CW Prep students for working with families through knowledge and skills on a variety of topics. Those topics include: family strengths, resistance, interviewing skills, and court. Students will have an opportunity to practice and demonstrate new skills learned throughout the training....(read more)
Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) 101
This training is designed to provide Protection and Permanency staff with information regarding DJJ and their court process, facilities, and services. The training will also provide information on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between DCBS and DJJ, including investigations involving youth with criminal charges, DCBS case responsibilities for youth also involved with DJJ, and Status Offenses....(read more)
Division of Family Support: Online Manuals
This web-based training is a hands-on tutorial to inform and refresh users on how to effectively navigate the DCBS FS online policy manuals, how to use the search function so you can find what you need to know faster, and use the print function to print exactly what you need....(read more)
Domestic Violence: Basic
This web-based training is required for FS Staff and all P&P Staff who do not attend the P&P Academy. This training requirement includes management, supervisors, and support staff in direct service roles.
DCBS plays a critical role in the coordinated response to domestic violence by enhancing safety of adult and child victims. This training meets the 1996 domestic violence mandatory "initial course" training requirement pursuant to KRS 194A.545. Specific focus will be on the following: nature and extent of domestic violence, "common ground" differences between domestic violence and child protection philosophies, psychological dynamics of battering, assessment and lethality/risk issues, service planning strategies, legal remedies for protection, model protocols for addressing domestic violence and community resources....(read more)
Domestic Violence: Biennial Continuing Education
The KRS 194A.545 mandate directs each person employed by DCBS who provides supervisory or direct service at the local, district, or state level to successfully complete a domestic violence continuing education course. Information to be covered includes: dynamics of domestic violence, effects of domestic violence on adult and child victims, legal remedies for protection, lethality and risk issues, model protocols for addressing domestic violence, available community resources and victim services and reporting requirements.
This web-based training meets the requirements of KRS 194A as well as fulfills the requirements of a three-hour domestic violence training course every two years for CEUs. The curriculum is a compilation of DV WBT (2006) and DV WBT (2011)....(read more)
Effective Communication and Maintaining Connections
This web-based training is required for foster and adoptive parents and is designed to support in maintaining connection and culture with children and youth. After completion of this course, participants will be able to recognize effective communication characteristics and skills to maintain connection and culture with children and youth and implement the four key elements and practical strategies for effective communication....(read more)
Elder Abuse: Continuing Education
This web-based training will cover the dynamics, indicators, and effects of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, legal remedies for protection, lethality and risk issues, model protocols for addressing elder maltreatment, victim services and community resources, and mandatory reporting of elder maltreatment. This training is intended for all DCBS employees who directly provide services or who supervise the direct provision of services, whose job duties do not include elder maltreatment or adult protective services casework. These employees may encounter elder abuse, neglect, and/or maltreatment directly or indirectly while performing their assigned duties....(read more)
Elder Abuse: Initial Course
This web-based training meets the legislative mandates of KRS 194A, requiring all DCBS Staff to complete an elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation initial course. This training is designed for Protection & Permanency and Family Support Staff to increase identification and assessment skills in order to prevent and remedy elder maltreatment. This training will present demographic information and future trends of the elder population, examine the dynamics and effects of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, identify lethality/risk factors, and present model protocols on providing community resources and victim services available for older adults experiencing elder maltreatment....(read more)
Elderly Simplified Application Project 101
The Elderly Simplified Application Project 101 training provides an overview of ESAP, changes to SNAP and the introduction of ESAP benefits in Worker Portal.
Electronic Benefits Transfer: Card Security
This web-based training is intended for all FS Staff who are tasked with responsibilities for Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards received in the local office. Participants will receive instruction on Federally mandated levels of security that must be maintained for EBT cards according to Volume I, MS 0290....(read more)
Electronic Case Files
This training is intended for FS Workers. Participants completing this web-based training will receive instruction in the use the document scanner and it’s supporting software, KnowledgeLake, plus the Electronic Case File. This training includes use of the scanner and document separators, indexing documents by case or by member, how to index joint Cases, searching for documents in Electronic Case File, updating pending documents and use of Cover Sheets....(read more)
Eligibility Advisor Verification Service
This web-based training is intended for FS Staff who take applications for public assistance benefits or process cases. Upon completion, participants will be able to navigate the Eligibility Advisor to verify some or all of the following: income, employment history, real property and liquid assets....(read more)
Equal Employment Opportunity
This web-based training is designed to help participants learn about and understand the Equal Employment Opportunity laws. How to prevent discrimination and what to do if you feel like you have been discriminated against will be covered. It is mandatory that all employees take this training every two years....(read more)
Ethics Awareness
This web-based training provides participants an awareness of the ethical obligations of DCBS professionals engaged in child welfare services. This training is required to be completed annually by P&P Staff....(read more)
Family Assistance Short Term Educational Webinar
This pre-recorded webinar provides DCBS Family Support Case Managers, Case Manager Supervisors, and Program Specialists an overview of the Family Assistance Short Term (FAST) program, featuring eligibility information, scenarios, and an application walkthrough....(read more)
Family Support
Moodle WBT
Family Court Procedures and Protocols
This web-based training is designed for DCBS P&P staff. During this training, participants will learn about various court hearings, identify the types of hearing in Family Court, and match courtroom and other judicial personnel with their assigned job duties. In addition, participants will differentiate between basic professional and unprofessional court behavior and recognize judicial expectations in and out of the courtroom....(read more)
Family First: Case Planning Process for Qualified Residential Treatment Program/Congregate Care
This training is intended for all P&P staff to understand the Family First requirements for Qualified Residential Treatment Programs (QRTP) and placement in residential treatment. This training will also inform staff of federal and state judicial determinations and timelines and demonstrate how to integrate the QRTP assessment in i-twist....(read more)
Family First: Evidence-Based Practices and Prevention Services Referral
This training, designed for all DCBS staff, describes the process of selecting an Evidence-Based Practice based on the target population and outcome and entering and submitting the Prevention Services Referral Form in TWIST. It also includes a section for supervisors around approving the Prevention Services Referral.
After this training, participants will be able to enter and submit the Prevention Services Referral Form in TWIST after selecting the appropriate Evidence Based Practice....(read more)
Family First: In-Home Case Planning Process
This training was designed to provide all DCBS staff with a review of SOP 3.4 and demonstrate how to enter an In-Home Case Plan when a family is referred to Prevention Services. After this train training, participants will be able to develop an In-Home Case Plan in i-twist, which includes the referral to preventative services....(read more)
Family First: Introduction and Overview
This training was designed to provide an overview of the Family First Prevention Services Act to all DCBS staff. It includes the areas of child welfare impacted by the Act, the two major provisions of care, the Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) used by the state, definition of a Family First "candidate", and the qualifications of a "Qualified Residential Treatment Program" (QRTP) and its exceptions....(read more)
Family First: Leveling and Placement
This training was designed to provide all DCBS staff with information around SOP 4.11.1 and the completion of the necessary documents for appropriate leveling of care and placements. After this tthis training, participants will be able to complete and submit a new 886A and 106B (Initial Physical and Behavioral Health History) in i-twist....(read more)
Family First: Prevention Services Array Overview
This training was designed to provide an overview of the Family First Prevention Services Array to all DCBS staff. Participants will become familiar with the available prevention services, program descriptions, durations, eligibilities, and intensities of regional and statewide programs.
After this training, participants will be able to identify prevention services and evidence based interventions available in each region....(read more)
Family First: Supervisors
This training was designed to provide all DCBS supervisors with information regarding the change commitment process, specifically around Family First, and how to encourage court collaboration. Afr />After this training, participants will be able to facilitate commitment to the change process regarding the Family First Act and encourage court collaboration....(read more)
Family Support Supervision
This training is intended for new Family Support Supervisors, Public Assistance Program Specialists, Service Region Administrator Associates, Branch Managers and Resource Management Analysts. Participants will learn to negotiate a working relationship with their staff, establish effective leadership habits, conduct team meetings, motivate workers, identify and close performance gaps, coach and mentor staff, and practice self-care. The training includes discussions, interactive exercises, and development of learning partnerships with other participants....(read more)
Introduction to Family Support Supervision and Worker Portal Functions for SRAAs and Supervisors.
Family Support
Hybrid (classroom and/or virtual)
Family Support: Alphabet Soup
This training is intended for Family Support employees who are enrolled in the SNAP, CCAP, MAGI and MSP series, and provides an overview of the acronyms that will be used during SNAP, CCAP, MAGI and MSP training series....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services
Family Support: Disqualifications, Hearings and Claims
This web-based training is part of the SNAP, CCAP, MAGI and MSP training series, to be completed prior to attending Part III. Upon completion of this web-based training, participants will be able to recognize disqualifications applied in SNAP, CCAP, Medicaid and answer related Worker Portal questions, enter a Hearing request, prepare for a Hearing, and take correct action on the Final Order, identify categories of claims, effective month of claims, and worker and local office procedures for claims....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services; SNAP, CCAP, MAGI and MSP: Part II
Family Support: Right to Apply
This web-based training is intended for new FS Staff who have not received any other programmatic training, such as SNAP, KTAP, Medicaid, etc. Upon completion of this training, participants will recognize the right of individuals to apply for any programs administered by the Division of Family Support....(read more)
Family Support: Tools for Accuracy
This web-based training is intended for Family Support workers who are enrolled and currently participating in SNAP, CCAP, MAGI and MSP series. Instruction includes online and Worker Portal resources that can be used to ensure accuracy for all programs. Participants will discover where to access tools such as the Family Support Online Manuals, FS-103 form, CHFS Intranet resource pages, Worker Portal summary screens, Quality Assurance reviews, and the Training Branch website....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services
Family Support: Unearned Income
This micro-learning web-based training is intended for Family Support workers who are enrolled and participating in SNAP, CCAP, MAGI, and MSP: Part I class. Instruction includes the identification of various Unearned income types, and verification sources that can be used for each....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services
Family Support: What is My Role?
This web-based training is intended for new FS Staff who have not received any other programmatic training, such as SNAP, Medicaid, KTAP, etc. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to recognize the many roles of the FS worker....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services
Family Team Meeting: Skill Building
Participants will gain knowledge around Family Team Meetings, Standard of Practice (SOP) and demonstrate the skills of engagement, facilitation and collaboration with families and /or community partners....(read more)
FAST: Foster/Adoptive Support and Training Resources
This web-based training is intended for prospective DCBS Foster/Adoptive Parents completing pre-service training. This training will outline the available programs (ASK, Mentor and the Network) for Parents and will be followed by a short quiz....(read more)
Fidelity Information Systems: Navigating the Agency Portal for Electronic Benefits Transfer Inquiry
This web-based training is intended for FS Staff who work in the programs of SNAP or KTAP, or handle client or other inquiries regarding the EBT card or usage. Upon completion, participants will be able to inquire the Fidelity Information Systems ebtEDGE Agency Portal application in the Inquiry Role to view case, client and card information and transaction history for a card or case....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services.
Field Staff Appointments
This training is designed to walk Field Staff through all appointments-related functionality in Worker Portal they have access to, including the benefits of appointments for Field Staff and Residents, accessing appointments from the Dashboard, checking currently scheduled appointments on the Calendar screen, scheduling new appointments, searching for scheduled appointments, how to join different appointment channel types, and how to set out of office....(read more)
Field Training Specialist: Overview
This hybrid training is designed for all new Protection and Permanency (P&P) Field Training Specialists. Participants will be given a short history of the KY FTS, an overview of the FTS program, and a detailed review and practice of all P&P Behavioral Anchors. Participants will use sample DCBS documents, contact notes, videos, and case scenarios to critique the anchors. In the last tutorial, participants will practice documentation by using the FTS Reporting System. During the synchronous sessions, participants will practice coaching new workers using the FTS Approach studied in the online sections of the course....(read more)
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Forensic Interviewing
This training, intended for P&P staff, focuses on techniques for effectively interviewing children in abuse cases. It focuses on the Forensic Interviewing Structure designed to elicit detailed information about a possible event(s) that the child may have experienced or witnessed. These techniques can also be applied while conducting an assessment with an adult. During the skill-building component, participants practice forensic interviewing skills through role-play with trainers. These structured interviews are facilitated in small groups with immediate coaching and feedback included for all participants....(read more)
Child Development and Forensic Interviewing; Child Sexual Abuse in Child Welfare
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Foundations in Child, Family, and Adult Services: Adult Protective Services Part I
This training is required for Protection & Permanency workers responsible for Adult Protective Services (APS). This training will cover the following topics: Kentucky Revised Statutes, Standards of Practice, indicators of abuse, interviewing skills, working with community partners, and completing the assessment and documentation tool. This training will include web-based training and synchronous sessions....(read more)
i-TWIST: Structured Decision Making Intake Assessment for APS; Sex Trafficking of Children and Youth.
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Foundations in Child, Family, and Adult Services: Adult Protective Services Part II
This training is required for Protection & Permanency workers responsible for Adult Protective Services (APS). This training will cover the following topics: Assessing decisional capacity, disabilities, legal remedies, court, safety plans, prevention plans, and aftercare plans. This training will include web-based training and synchronous sessions....(read more)
Foundations in Child, Family, and Adult Services: Adult Protective Services Part I
Getting Comfortable with Disability
This training is designed for Department of Community Based Services staff to get comfortable with discussing disability. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to meet the following performance objectives: Define disability and discuss the models of disability, understand barriers experienced by individuals with disabilities including the attitudinal barriers, discuss models of language use and appropriate language use, and provide a review of ableism....(read more)
Getting Started with SKY
Students will understand eligibility rules of the SKY program, how members are assigned to SKY and how the transition process happens from one MCO to Aetna SKY if members were already on Medicaid. Students will also learn about the disenrollment process for those members who are eligible to opt out of the SKY program and chose another MCO. Students will understand how initial PCP and Dental assignments are made and who can go about changing those providers if needed. The presentation will also cover an introduction to our Utilization Management and Behavioral Health Department, which will include, certification, prior authorizations, residential level of care, hospital liaisons and discharge planning....(read more)
GPS: Child Sexual Abuse--Training of Trainers
This training is designed to enable participants to conduct the training for Foster/Adoptive Parents to assist with children in placement who have been sexually abused. The program addresses the unique pressures of caring for children who have been sexually abused that can bring on families and marriage, while providing practical strategies for dealing with the difficult behaviors of children....(read more)
HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Welcome to the HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act training. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is a national law passed by Congress in 1996. The goal of the Act is to protect the privacy of individual's health information by improving the security, efficiency and effectiveness of how that information is stored and transferred. This training is available for Foster and Adoptive Parents, PCC staff, and PCP staff. You will receive 2.0 training credit hours for successfully completing this training....(read more)
Human Trafficking 101: An Overview
This is a mandatory training for DCBS and PCC/PCP staff. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to meet the following performance objectives: Describe the types of human trafficking, understand federal law related to human trafficking, list vulnerabilities, risk and protective factors for human trafficking, and locate and access resources for survivors and youth at risk of human trafficking....(read more)
i-TWIST for START Mentors
This web-based training will review the basic navigation of i-twist as START mentors have access to i-twist case information. This review will help to better serve clients when conducting a thorough case review and also assist when entering case documentation....(read more)
i-TWIST: Agency Adoptions
This web-based training is designed for workers that will enter Agency Adoptions using the i-twist screens. This training will detail the steps involved.
i-TWIST: Assessment and Documentation Tool and Maintaining System Integrity
This web-based training is designed to teach and test participants the basic functionality of the i-TWIST program in the assessment phase. Participants will learn about accurate data reporting to maintain system integrity. The following screens are demonstrated: i-TWIST Home Page, Summary of Tasks, each Assessment Screen and Progress Bar, Due Date column coding, submitting for supervisor approval and printing and filing of the ADT....(read more)
i-TWIST: Basic Navigation, Inquiry and Reports for Office Support Assistants
This web-based training is intended for Office Support Assistants (OSA). Participants will learn to recognize the basic anatomy of the i-twist program. They will also learn how to navigate to appropriate menus to conduct prior history (Inquiry), locate and print automated reports such as the 115, the Assessment Summary (ADT) and the Case Plan. The DPP -115 notification in the i-twist program will also be reviewed....(read more)
i-TWIST: Case Planning Navigation--Case Tasks
This web-based training is designed for all APS and CPS staff, supervisors, specialists and associates in P&P who complete the Case Planning: Case Task Process. DCBS has finalized recent TWIST changes to streamline the documentation....(read more)
i-TWIST: Case Planning Navigation--In-Home
This web-based training is designed for all APS and CPS staff, supervisors, specialists and associates in P&P who complete the Case Planning: In-Home process. DCBS has finalized recent TWIST changes to streamline the documentation....(read more)
i-TWIST: Case Planning Navigation--Out-of-Home Care
This web-based training is designed for all CPS staff, supervisors, specialists and associates in P&P who complete the OOHC Case Planning process. DCBS has finalized recent TWIST changes to streamline the documentation....(read more)
TWIST: Case Planning Navigation--Case Task and TWIST: Case Planning Navigation--In-Home.
i-TWIST: Court Information
This web-based training is designed for all CPS staff, supervisors, specialists and associates in P&P who document court information. DCBS has finalized recent i-twist changes to streamline the documentation....(read more)
i-TWIST: Documentation of Individual Information and Contact Screens
This web-based training is designed for all CPS staff, supervisors, specialists and associates in P&P who complete document contacts using the TWIST System. DCBS has finalized recent TWIST changes to streamline the documentation of the Intake process....(read more)
i-TWIST: Extended and Recommitment Youth
This web-based training is intended for P&P frontline staff. Participants will learn how to create and navigate a case for extended and recommitment youth in out-of-home care (OOHC).
i-TWIST: Inquiry and Intake
This web-based training, intended for new P&P Staff attending the P&P Academy, will provide participants with a working knowledge of basic anatomy and functionality of the i-twist program. Participants will learn how to document referrals utilizing the i-twist system. All documentation relating to casework during intake per SOP mandates will be covered....(read more)
i-TWIST: Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
This web-based training is intended for all CPS staff in P&P who will submit an electronic ICPC (Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children) request. This training will demonstrate how to navigate to the ICPC progress bar and walk through creating a request in i-twist....(read more)
i-TWIST: Kentucky Health Information Data Sharing
This web-based training is designed for all CPS case managers to demonstrate how to view health information in the Kentucky Health Information Exchange (KHIE) system for youth in Out of Home Care (OOHC)....(read more)
i-TWIST: Leveling and Placement Navigation 886A and 106B
This web-based training is designed for all CPS Staff, Supervisors, Specialists and Associates in P&P who complete the Out-of-Home Care Case Planning process. DCBS has finalized recent TWIST changes to streamline the documentation....(read more)
i-TWIST: Medical and Disability Navigation
This web-based training is designed for all CPS staff, supervisors, specialists and associates in P&P who complete the Medical and Disability Navigation process. DCBS has finalized recent TWIST changes to streamline the documentation....(read more)
i-TWIST: Offline Application--Part I
This web-based training, intended for P&P staff, contains information on installing the i-TWIST Offline Application, utilizing the download/upload functions, and accessing and navigating within the Offline Activity link on the i-TWIST home page....(read more)
i-TWIST: Offline Application--Part II
This web-based training is for P&P staff and contains information on utilizing the i-TWIST Offline Application for completing contacts offline, completing fields in an ADT Investigation narrative offline, and completing visit verifications with electronic signatures....(read more)
i-TWIST: Offline Application--Part III
This web-based training, intended for P&P staff, contains information on utilizing the i-TWIST Offline Application for completing prevention plans offline, completing aftercare plans offline, completing e-forms, and taking pictures in the field....(read more)
i-TWIST: Offline Application--Part IV
This web-based training, intended for P&P staff, contains information on utilizing the i-TWIST Offline Application for completing a Safety Check and Review (DPP-1277) in the offline application.
i-TWIST: Out-of-Home Care for New Removals
This web-based training is designed for all CPS staff, supervisors, specialists and associates in P&P who complete the OOHC Case Planning process. DCBS has finalized recent i-twist changes to streamline the documentation when a youth is placed in OOHC....(read more)
i-TWIST: Placement Screen for Relative and Fictive Kin
This web-based training is intended for P&P frontline staff. Participants will learn how to complete the Child Placement information panel in an Assessment, complete a Safety Check and Review intake for an ongoing case, create a new resource in the Resource Directory, and complete the In-Home Placement screen....(read more)
i-TWIST: Post Adoptive Placement Stabilization Services
This web based training is designed for P&P staff to understand how to navigate i-TWIST screens for Post Adoptive Placement Stabilization Services (PAPSS) in Subsidy cases. After completion of this training, participants will be able to navigate I-TWIST Provide Screens when PAPSS being utilized to complete the 886A and 114....(read more)
i-TWIST: Presentation Summary
This web-based training is designed for workers that will be entering Presentation Summaries in the i-TWIST system. This training will details the steps involved.
i-TWIST: Prior Custody and Adoption
This web-based training is designed for all CPS staff, supervisors, specialists and associates in Protection and Permanency. The training explains the requirement to report AFCARS and where to navigate in the iTWIST system to complete the case manager tasks for the prior removal and adoption data documentation. How to enter prior removal data and adoption data for children placed in out-of-home care will also be covered....(read more)
i-TWIST: Provide In-Progress
This web-based training is designed for workers and supervisors that work with certification and recommendation of potential foster/adoptive parents. The i-twist system offers a stream-lined approach for the user to upload required documents while gathering information prior to making an initial recommendation for the home....(read more)
i-TWIST: Provide Inquiry
This web-based training is designed for workers that receive inquiries from individuals interested in becoming foster or adoptive providers for DCBS. This training will detail the steps involved in processing a system inquiry....(read more)
i-TWIST: Provide Ongoing
This web-based training will train participants on how to receive and update basic information for individuals that are approved Foster/Adoptive homes. The information is entered in the i-twist system for tracking and documentation purposes....(read more)
i-TWIST: Safety Check and Review
This web-based training is intended for P&P frontline staff. Participants will learn how to complete a Safety Check and Review (DPP 1277) in i-twist.
i-TWIST: Safety Check and Review for Centralized Intake Staff
This web-based training is intended for Centralized Intake staff. Participants will learn how to enter a Safety Check and Review, complete the approval process and how to locate and complete an existing Safety Check and Review generated from an ongoing case....(read more)
i-TWIST: Structured Decision Making Intake Assessment for APS
This web-based training is designed for P&P staff completing the APS Structured Decision Making Intake Assessment. After completing this training, participants will be able to complete the Structured Decision Making Intake Assessment for APS cases....(read more)
i-TWIST: Supporting Kentucky Youth
This web-based training is intended for Protection and Permanency staff to demonstrate how to navigate the MCO SKY Youth panels.
i-TWIST: Using the Staff Directory
This web-based training is designed for Administrators to add, update and/or view information in the Staff Directory.
Identifying Burnout and Assessing for Trauma in Child Welfare Professionals
This training, intended for P&P Staff, which focuses on allowing participants to gain knowledge on identifying Work Related Stress, Trauma and Burnout that they can experience as a Child Welfare Professional. Participants will be able to identify the different types of stressors and trauma that are common to Child Welfare Professionals. Participants will be provided with skills and strategies to become self-aware of Trauma and Burnout and their effects, but through practice and instruction, will gain an understanding of how to manage their emotions and how to practice positive self-care....(read more)
Protection & Permanency
Identifying Burnout and Assessing for Trauma in Child Welfare Supervisors
This training, intended for P&P Supervisors, which focuses on allowing participants to gain knowledge on identifying Work Related Stress, Trauma and Burnout that they can experience as a Child Welfare Professional. Participants will be able to identify the different types of stressors and trauma that are common to Child Welfare Professionals. Supervisors will also receive knowledge, not only on the affects that Trauma from front-line work can have on themselves, but how the increased responsibility of being a Child Welfare supervisor can intensify stress and burnout. Supervisors will also understand how the stress, trauma and burnout affect employees under the direct supervision. Participants will be provided with skills and strategies to become self-aware of Trauma and Burnout and their effects, but through practice and instruction, will gain an understanding of how to manage their emotions and how to practice positive self-care. Instruction will allow P&P Supervisors to not only practice positive self-care themselves, but also give them the skills and understanding to educate their team on how to become self-aware and practice meaningful and positive self-care....(read more)
Protection & Permanency
Implicit Racial Bias 101: Exploring Implicit Bias in Child Protection
Developed by the Kirwan Institute at The Ohio State University, this training introduces you to learn about your own biases, their origins, and associations. You will gain insight on how your mind operates and learn strategies for addressing these biases in decisions and actions. By understanding implicit racial biases can operate outside of what we are consciously aware of and the implications they can have on disproportionality and disparate outcomes, you can begin to learn how to reduce biases that create and reinforce racialized barriers to opportunity....(read more)
Indian Child Welfare Act
This Web-Based Training is required for all new Protection and Permanency Workers. This course includes the history and purpose of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) legislation and the job duties and functions of the Protection and Permanency staff....(read more)
Intake Adjustments: A Look at Four Technical Requests
This training opportunity zeros in on four areas that are frequently seen as pain points or areas of complex challenge associated with intake and early investigative functions. We will explore intake modifications, adding victim/perpetrator pairs, referral deletes and re-entries, and second incidents. The information provided is aimed to help break down these multifaceted processes to provide clarity for when and why these options should be utilized, as well as responsible role assignment. The training provides an overview of functionality and process flow for best practice in utilization of each of these process resources....(read more)
Intake Process Systems
This training is designed for new Protection and Permanency workers who have successfully completed Social Work Principles of Foundations in Child, Family, and Adult Services. This training consists of asynchronous and synchronous learning components regarding Central Intake, Acceptance Criteria, SOP, Child Fatality Determinations, Structured Decision Making, Medical Indicators, Time Management, Cultural Humility, Intimate Partner Violence, Interviewing Skills, Self-Care, and Collaboration with Colleagues and Supervisors....(read more)
Social Work Principles; i-TWIST: Inquiry and Intake;
i-TWIST: Offline Application--Part I
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children: Kentucky and Tennessee Border Agreement
This web-based training is designed for P&P Staff in The Lakes who provide placement services across the Tennessee and Kentucky state line in emergency circumstances. The counties covered by the agreement are: Montgomery County in Tennessee and Christian, Trigg and Todd Counties in Kentucky. This border agreement allows children who otherwise might be placed in foster care, to be placed with relatives living in the other state....(read more)
Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children: Overview
This course is designed to give DPP staff an overview of how to make case referrals to the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) system, provide services to families from other states, and close ICPC cases. This includes topics of what is ICPC, why we must have a system, who must use this system, how to request, receive and manage ICPC cases through case closure. Each form is described along with several completed examples....(read more)
Intimate Partner Violence Micro
This micro-training is intended for DCBS P&P staff to review the social worker's role in cases involving Intimate Partner Violence. This training is a refresher of the content presented in the Academy....(read more)
Introduction to Community Based Services
Participants will learn the training development needed to become a DCBS Human Services Professional, including the Kentucky Human Resource Center Information System (KHRIS) and EKU Training Resource Center’s Training Records Information System (TRIS), and e-Learning (Moodle) systems. Participants will become familiar with DCBS processing of time and attendance, DCBS polices/laws/regulations, safekeeping of confidential information and the appropriate use of CHFS computer equipment, internet and email systems. Participants will be instructed in the proper way to provide quality client service, the DCBS Mission and Vision for new employees and the various types of poverty, causes of poverty and responses. A review of the various programs offered by DCBS, their purpose and the population they serve will also be provided in this training. Participants will learn the Workplace Violence Policy, Emergency alert systems and Critical Incident reporting procedures....(read more)
All Functions
Moodle WBT
Introduction to CPS Decision Making for Staff
This web-based training is a required pre-requisite to the classroom training 'CPS Decision Making'. In this training participants will review critical thinking skills, interviewing skills, and utilizing the Structured Decision Making Intake, Safety, and Risk Assessments. Information will be received during this web-based pre-requisite training that will be utilized during the classroom 'CPS Decision Making' training....(read more)
Introduction to CPS Decision Making for Supervisors
This web-based training is a required pre-requisite to the classroom training 'CPS Decision Making'. In this training, participants will review planning coaching skills, 'in the moment' coaching skills, reflective questioning, functions of supervision, and supervising with the SDM tools. Information will be received during the web-based training that will be utilized during the classroom 'CPS Decision Making' training....(read more)
Introduction to Family Support Policy and Systems
Participants will receive instruction and practice on navigating Worker Portal, and an introduction to eligibility and income for Family Support programs. Topics include Worker Portal navigation, eligibility requirements that are similar to all programs, basic case notes, tools to ensure case accuracy, and introduction to income including verification sources, manual calculations and system entry. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to navigate Worker Portal. Participants will not be able to interview clients nor process cases at this point. Participants will be prepared to attend either SNAP and CCAP Basic Series or Medicaid Basic series....(read more)
Introduction to Community Based Services, and the following: Civil Rights Review, Family Support: What is My Role, Family Support: Alphabet Soup, Family Support: Right to Apply, Division of Family Support: Online Manuals Tutorial, Telephone Skills, Worker Portal: Inquiry Navigation, Eligibility Advisor Verification Service, Worker Portal: Reception Log and Online Help, Electronic Case Files, Safeguarding Confidential Social Security Administration and IRS Information
Family Support
Introduction to Family Support Supervision
This web-based training is intended for Family Support Supervisors, Public Assistance Program Specialists, Service Region Administrator Associates, Branch Managers and Resource Management Analysts who are enrolled in the Family Support Supervisor series, and is a prerequisite to the second class in the Supervisor series. This course introduces participants to basic concepts and processes of supervision, and to serve as just-in-time training for new Family Support Supervisors prior to attending class.
Must be a Family Support Supervisor (FSS), Public Assistance Program Specialist (PAPS), Service Region Administrator Associate (SRAA), Branch Manager or Resource Management Analyst.
Introduction to Medicaid
This training is intended for Family Support employees who are enrolled in the Medicaid Basic series and provides an overview of the Medicaid program, which Medicaid programs are included in the training series, and private insurance coverage offered through the State Based Marketplace....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services; Introduction to Family Support Policy and Systems
Kentucky Adoption Profile Exchange
This training is intended for Protection and Permanency frontline staff, specialists, R&C staff, WWK specialists, and Supervisors. This training will provide an overview of KAPE, including the criteria to submit a KAPE referral, and the roles of KAPE and WWK Specialists....(read more)
Kentucky Applicant Registry and Employment Screening
This training is designed for DCBS child welfare professionals who enter prospective foster and adoptive parents into the KARES system. In this training, participants will be learn how to create a KARES account and navigate the KARES system....(read more)
Kentucky Safety Model: Case Consultation, Safety, Prevention, and Aftercare Plans
This training is intended for all Protection and Permanency workers responsible for Child Protective Services cases. The purpose of this training is to discuss Case Consultation and when and how to use the Safety, Prevention, and Aftercare planning tools to effectively work in partnership with children and families....(read more)
Kentucky Strengthening Ties and Empowering Parents
This web-based training is intended for DCBS Staff and will include an overview of the KSTEP project and a review of Solution-Based Casework; Stages of Readiness for Change and Motivators for Change; Motivational Interviewing; and Substance Abuse Dynamics and Interventions.
This training will be followed by a classroom training conducted by regional staff where participants will practice the intervention strategies taught in this web-based training....(read more)
Kentucky Works Program
This training is designed for FS Case Managers only. Topics include: OTIS navigation; core, non-core, and allowable components; referrals and placements; transportation payments and creating PA-33s; reports and tracking on OTIS; supportive services; conciliation; good cause and sanction processes; and OTIS History/Inquiry....(read more)
KTAP for Worker Portal: Part II or KTAP for Case Managers: Part II; Kentucky Works Program: Pre-Test and Kinship Care for KTAP Case Managers.
Family Support
Kentucky Works Program: Components
This web-based training is intended for Family Support workers who are enrolled and participating in Kentucky Works Program (KWP) training. This training includes instruction on components used to track participation for KWP. Participants will be able to define each of the components, and distinguish between Core, Non-Core, and Allowable components.
Kentucky Works Program: Post-Test
The web-based training will be taken by participants enrolled in the Kentucky Works Program (KWP) classroom training and will be used to measure program knowledge after being trained.
Kentucky Works Program: Pre-Test
This web-based training will be taken by participants enrolled in the Kentucky Works Program (KWP) classroom training and will be used to measure program knowledge before being trained.
Kinship Care for KTAP Case Managers
This web-based training is intended for KTAP Case Managers who will be processing Kinship Care cases. Participants will receive instruction on Kinship Care eligibility requirements, FS worker responsibilities, caretaker responsibilities, and special procedures for recertifying a Kinship Care case....(read more)
Case decision must be achieved in the Medicaid and SNAP Programs and must be hired as a Case Manager.
Kinship Care: Navigator--Introduction
The following Modules will give you an overview of the information on Kinship Care and the Service Array that is available.
Participants must complete this training prior to attending Kinship Care: Navigator classroom training.
Kinship Care: Navigator--Overview
This web-based training is an overview of the Kinship Care Navigator Program for Family Support Staff and Office Support Assistants. The training will explain the basics of the options of the service array that is provided by House Bill 2 and was implemented on April 1, 2019....(read more)
KTAP for Worker Portal: Part I
This training includes instruction on KTAP eligibility factors such as standard filing unit, relationship, citizenship/alien status, income, resources, KTAP school requirements for teens and teen parents, KWP assessments and child support referrals. This training is for participants that have been hired as a Case Manager and is the first training in the KTAP for Worker Portal series. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to work in the functional area of Eligibility and Enrollment....(read more)
Case decision must be achieved in the Medicaid and SNAP Programs and must be hired as a Case Manager. Must complete KTAP for Worker Portal: Pretest and KTAP: Resources web-based training.
Family Support
KTAP for Worker Portal: Part II
This training includes instruction on two-parent households and additional practice on income and resources. Additional topics are FAST, relocation assistance, WIN, payee only cases and Kinship care. Review of policy on case changes, supplementals and special circumstance payments is also part of the content. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to work in the functional area of Eligibility and Enrollment. Participants will not be able to work in the functional area of Support Services for Case Management until they have completed the third course in this series (KWP)....(read more)
KTAP for Worker Portal: Part I
Family Support
KTAP for Worker Portal: Post-Test
This web-based training will be taken by participants at the end of KTAP for Worker Portal: Part II classroom training and will be used to measure knowledge after being trained.
Case decision must be achieved in the Medicaid and SNAP Programs and must be hired as a Case Manager.
KTAP for Worker Portal: Pre-Test
This web-based training will be taken by participants enrolled in KTAP for Worker Portal classroom training and will be used to measure knowledge before being trained.
Case decision must be achieved in the Medicaid and SNAP Programs and must be hired as a Case Manager.
KTAP: Eligibility Requirements
This micro learning web-based training is intended for Family Support workers who are enrolled and participating in KTAP for Worker Portal series training. This training includes instruction on technical eligibility elements for KTAP.
KTAP: Resources
This web-based training is intended for new or tenured Family Support workers who complete KTAP cases. This training includes instruction on consideration of resources for Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program. Participants will be able to determine resource eligibility for KTAP cases.
kynect Ability for Providers and DCBS Staff
This webinar provides SNAP E&T Providers and DCBS Staff an overview of the kynect ability system, benefits for E&T Participants, a system demonstration, and information on help resources available to DCBS Staff and E&T Participants....(read more)
kynect Appointment Scheduling: kynect ability Webinar
This webinar provides DCBS Staff with the E&T Worker Role (Case Managers) with an overview and walkthrough of the system changes coming to the kynect ability system for E&T Providers and E&T Supervisors as part of the kynect Appointments Module. This webinar also provides an overview of the system changes coming to kynect benefits for E&T Participants as they schedule E&T appointments, and the help resources available for E&T Providers and Residents enrolled in the SNAP E&T Program....(read more)
kynect Appointment Scheduling: kynect ability Webinar Phase II
This webinar provides DCBS Staff with the E&T Worker Role (Case Managers) with an overview and walkthrough of the new video appointment functionality coming to the kynect ability system for E&T Providers and E&T Supervisors as part of Phase 2 of the kynect Appointments Module. This webinar also provides an overview of the Phase 2 system changes coming to kynect benefits for E&T Participants as they schedule E&T appointments, and the help resources available for E&T Providers and E&T Participants....(read more)
kynect Appointment Scheduling: Webinar for DCBS Management Phase II
This webinar provides DCBS Management with an overview and walkthrough of the new appointment scheduling and appointment location setup functionality in Worker Portal. This webinar also covers the joining video appointments and video appointment best practices for DCBS Staff and Management, the updates coming to kynect benefits and kynect ability, and the help resources available for DCBS Management, Staff, and Residents....(read more)
kynect Appointment Scheduling: Webinar for DCBS Management
kynect Appointment Scheduling: Webinar for DCBS Staff Phase II
This webinar provides DCBS Staff with an overview and walkthrough of the new appointment scheduling functionality in Worker Portal. This webinar also covers the joining video appointments and video appointment best practices for DCBS Staff, the updates coming to kynect benefits and kynect ability, and the help resources available for DCBS Staff and Residents....(read more)
kynect Appointment Scheduling: General Awareness Webinar for DCBS Staff
kynect Health Coverage: Alphabet Soup
This training is intended for Family Support employees who are enrolled in the kynect Health Coverage series, and provides an overview of the acronyms that will be used during kynect Health Coverage training series....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services; SNAP for Worker Portal: Eligibility and Enrollment or SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment
kynect Health Coverage: Kentucky Integrated Health Insurance Premium Payment
This training is intended for Family Support employees who are enrolled in the SNAP, CCAP, MAGI, and MSP series and completed prior to attending Part III. This training provides an overview of KI-HIPP. Participants will be able to identify potential KI-HIPP eligibility for Medicaid individuals....(read more)
kynect Health Coverage: Managed Care Organization Enrollment
This training is intended for Family Support employees who are enrolled in the kynect Health Coverage series and currently attending Part I of the series. This micro-session will be completed during Part I virtual class and provides an overview of Managed Care Organizations (MCO) for Medicaid. Participants will be able to outline steps for the Enrollment Module on Worker Portal for MCOs....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services; SNAP for Worker Portal: Eligibility and Enrollment or SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment
kynect Health Coverage: Medical Expenses
This micro learning web-based training is intended for Family Support workers who are enrolled and participating in kynect Health Coverage: Part III training. This training includes instruction on which medical expenses are allowed and not allowable, and what verification is needed to verify the expense.
kynect Health Coverage: Qualified Health Plan Shopping
This training is intended for Family Support employees who are enrolled in the kynect Health Coverage series and currently attending Part I of the series. This micro-session will be completed during Part I virtual class and outlines Shopping procedures for Qualified Health Plans at Open Enrollment and for Qualifying Life Events. Participants will be able to navigate the shopping screens for Qualified Health Plans (QHP)....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services; SNAP for Worker Portal: Eligibility and Enrollment or SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment
kynect Health Coverage: Renewal Process
This web-based training is intended for FS Staff who are enrolled in the kynect Health Coverage series and is to be completed after attending kynect Health Coverage: Part I. This training provides an overview of the renewal process for kynect Health Coverage, including steps for active and passive renewals....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services; SNAP for Worker Portal: Eligibility and Enrollment or SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment
kynect Health Coverage: Resources Review
This training is intended for Family Support employees who are preparing for Medicaid Vendor Payment, and can also be completed by tenured employees as a refresher. This course reviews resources for Non-MAGI Medicaid, including types of life insurance, prepaid funeral contracts, and real property. Participants will practice application of policy through scenarios, including verification sources and system entry....(read more)
Currently working in the L2 level of training or preparing to attend Medicaid: Vendor Payment.
Labor Trafficking of Children and Youth
This training is designed to assist Child Welfare Professionals in working with cases that involve the labor trafficking of children and youth. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to meet the following performance objectives: Describe labor trafficking and related terminology, understand federal law related to labor trafficking, list vulnerabilities, risk, and protective factors for labor trafficking, become familiar with labor trafficking typologies and case examples, and locate and access resources for survivors and youth at risk of labor trafficking....(read more)
Human Trafficking Overview 101 and Screening and Identification of Human Trafficking
Leading and Supporting Alternative Response Practice
Staff will differentiate supervisor and management practices in child welfare that are transactional versus relational as well as implement practices to support casework staff in determining when to use additional investigative techniques to ensure child safety. Staff will also collaborate with other staff and community stakeholders in creative use of services and supports to meet family-identified needs. Details also include designing practices that provide an open and supportive team dynamic to discuss challenges and successes with Alternative Response implementation. Reinforcing critical thinking processes to determine when a pathway upgrade may be in the best interest of the family or child’s safety, or when required by policy will also be reviewed....(read more)
MapHabit is a science-backed, interactive program that gives individuals and caregivers step-by-step tools to support activities of daily living for diverse populations. This is a pre-recorded training that will describe the MapHabit pilot that Aetna is starting on 12/1/2023. Participants will learn about the MapHabit application and receive a demonstration of the application. DCBS workers will learn about the criteria and process of referring a member to this pilot project....(read more)
Medicaid Basic: Part I
This virtual classroom training is intended for Family Support workers who have completed Introduction to Family Support Policy and System and possibly SNAP and CCAP series but have not previously attended Medicaid training. This training includes instruction and practice on completing MAGI Medicaid cases. Participants will receive instruction on policy, procedures, and system entry on Worker Portal. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to interview clients and enter applications and renewals in the Eligibility and Enrollment Family Support function, and complete other Dashboard tasks for these types of cases....(read more)
Introduction to Family Support Policy and Systems and the following prework: Medicaid Basic: Series Pretest; Introduction to Medicaid, Medicaid: Transitional Medical Assistance, and kynect Health Coverage: Alphabet Soup
Family Support
Medicaid Basic: Part II
This training includes instruction and practice on completing QHP, APTC, and CSR. Participants will receive instruction on policy, procedures, and system entry on Worker Portal. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to interview clients and enter applications and renewals in the Eligibility and Enrollment Family Support function, and complete other Dashboard tasks for these types of cases....(read more)
Medicaid Basic: Part I
Family Support
Medicaid Basic: Part II Post-Test
This test is intended for Family Support employees who are enrolled in Medicaid Basic series and will be used to measure learning at the end of Part II.
Medicaid Basic: Part III
This classroom training is intended for Family Support workers who have completed Introduction to Family Support Policy and Systems, and possibly SNAP and CCAP series. This training includes instruction and practice on completing Medicare Savings Program cases for individuals and couples, and resource consideration for Non-MAGI cases. Participants will receive instruction on policy, procedures, and system entry on Worker Portal. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to interview and complete applications for Medicare Savings Program cases...(read more)
Medicaid Basic: Part I and II and the following prework: Medicaid: Medicare; Medicaid: Resources; kynect health coverage: Renewal Process; Call Services for Case Workers; Worker Portal: Voice Signature and E-Signature; Family Support: Disqualifications, Hearings and Claims.
Family Support
Medicaid Basic: Part III Post-Test
This test is intended for Family Support employees who are enrolled in Medicaid Basic series and will be used to measure learning at the end of Part III.
Medicaid Basic: Series Pre-Test
This test is intended for Family Support employees who are enrolled in Medicaid Basic series and will be used to measure knowledge before attending the series.
Medicaid for Worker Portal: Introduction to Long Term Care
This web-based training is intended for new or tenured workers. Participants will receive instruction on the difference between Facility and Waiver care, review the various types of care received with the Long Term Care program, and what difference the Living Arrangement has on vendor payment cases....(read more)
Introduction to Community Based Services; Medicaid: Medicare Savings and Health Benefits; and Medicaid: Spend Down and Pass Through
Medicaid for Worker Portal: State Supplementation
This web-based training introduces participants to basic policies for State Supplementation needed to navigate Worker Portal. Upon completion, participants will be prepared to attend Medicaid Vendor Payment training in the computer lab....(read more)
SNAP: Eligibility and Enrollment; or SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment; and Medicaid: Non-Modified Adjusted Gross Income.
Medicaid Works
This web-based training introduces participants to basic policies for the Medicaid Works program. Upon completion, participants will be able to complete applications for and processing of Medicaid Works cases....(read more)
Medicaid: Life Estate
This micro learning web-based training is intended for Family Support workers who are enrolled and participating in Medicaid: Vendor Payment training. This training includes instruction on Life Estate transfers, and determining the value of the property transferred.
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services; SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment; and Medicaid: Spend Down and Pass Through
Medicaid: Medicare
This web-based training is intended for workers who are enrolled in the kynect series. Participants will be able to identify and define all parts of Medicare with policy and procedures relevant to Non-MAGI Medicaid cases....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services
Medicaid: Pass Through
This web-based training introduces participants to basic policies and system entry for the Pass Through program. Upon completion of this web-based training, participants will be prepared to complete Pass Through applications and renewals....(read more)
Medicaid: Qualifying Income Trust
This micro learning web-based training is intended for Family Support workers who are enrolled and participating in Medicaid: Vendor Payment training. This training includes instruction on explaining the Qualifying Income Trust to applicants, and determining the amount that needs to be deposited monthly.
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services; SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment; and Medicaid: Spend Down and Pass Through
Medicaid: Resources
This web-based training is intended for workers who will be working in the Non-MAGI program. This course introduces participants to basic policies and resource definitions for Medicaid for Aged, Blind and Disabled individuals....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services
Medicaid: Spend Down
This web-based training introduces participants to basic policies and system entry for the Spend Down program. Upon completion of this web-based training, participants will be prepared to complete Spend Down applications....(read more)
SNAP, CCAP, MAGI, and MSP: Part V or Medicaid Basic Series.
Medicaid: Transitional Medical Assistance
This web-based training is intended for FS Staff who take applications or process cases in MAGI Medicaid. This training provides an overview of the Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA) program, including eligibility criteria for TMA, reporting requirements and good cause....(read more)
SNAP for Worker Portal: Eligibility and Enrollment or SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment and Medicaid: MAGI.
Medicaid: Vendor Payment
This virtual training is intended for FS workers who have completed the kynect Health Coverage (or other Medicaid series) and will be working with Medicaid Vendor Payment cases. This training includes instruction and practice on completing vendor payment cases, including Nursing Facilities, Hospice, Waiver including Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), Supports for Community Living (SCL) and other institutional/waiver programs for single individuals, couples and children. Participants will receive instruction on policy, procedures and system entry on Worker Portal. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to interview and complete applications for vendor payment cases....(read more)
Either kynect Health Coverage: Part II, Medicaid: Spend Down and Pass Through; Medicaid: Non-MAGI (Track A), Medicaid Basic: Part III or SNAP, CCAP, MAGI, and MSP: Part V and the following prework: Medicaid: Vendor Payment Pre-Test; Medicaid for Worker Portal: Introduction to Long Term Care; Medicaid for Worker Portal: State Supplementation; kynect Health Coverage: Resources Review; and Medicaid: Pass Through
Family Support
Medicaid: Vendor Payment Post-Test
This web-based training is intended for FS Staff who are enrolled in the Medicaid: Vendor Payment training and will be used to measure learning after attending Medicaid: Vendor Payment classroom training....(read more)
Medicaid: Spend Down and Pass Through; and Medicaid: Vendor Payment.
Medicaid: Vendor Payment Pre-Test
This web-based training is intended for FS Staff who are enrolled in Medicaid: Vendor Payment training and will be used to measure knowledge before attending the classroom training.
Medical Indicators
The purpose of Medical Indicators training is for newly hired DCBS case workers to learn the indicators of child abuse and neglect. Although this training does not cover every potential form of child maltreatment, the most common indicators are addressed in the training. Every case of child abuse and neglect contains a medical component; therefore, this interactive day of training is vital to the foundation of basic case investigation. This training is engaging and allows the opportunity for workers to ask questions as well as receive answers in real time. With DCBS Medical Support Nurse Service Administrators providing the training, it is the beginning of a working relationship between field staff and Central Office Medical Support. The teaching material is supplemented by the presenter’s examples as they relate to the topics discussed. Attendees are challenged throughout the training to process case investigative work when presented with medical issues requiring field staff decision....(read more)
Social Work Principles; Intake Process Systems
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Medical Passport
This web-based training is intended for DCBS staff and Foster/Adoptive Parents who have children in out-of-home care. The training focuses on SOPs related to medical, dental and mental health care. The required forms that are kept for documentation will be explained....(read more)
Medically Complex: Growth and Development
This web-based training is required for Foster/Adoptive Parents who are seeking approval as Medically Complex Foster/Adoptive Parents. The training will assist them in understanding what is normal growth and development, how to screen and evaluate delays, understanding the factors that influence growth and development, and interventions that can be used to help children who do have delays....(read more)
Medically Complex: Join Hands Together
This training is for DCBS and Private Agency Foster Parents who have been approved by their R&C Supervisor and/or agency to attend. This is the initial training that all Foster Parents must complete before they can be approved as a Medically Complex Foster Home. This training is comprised of 5.25 hours of prerequisite web-based trainings and 6.75 hours of classroom training for 12 total training hours.
Prior to attending this training, participants must complete a series of web-based trainings. These trainings are: Medically Complex: Orientation, Medically Complex: Nutrition, Medically Complex: Standards of Practice, and Medically Complex: Growth and Development web-based trainings. All of these trainings should be completed no later than one-week prior to the start of the Join Hands Together training or participants may be cancelled. Training credit will not be issued for completion of any of these web-based trainings until the entire classroom portion of Join Hands Together is completed. If these prerequisites are completed more than six months prior to attending the Join Hands Together classroom training, they must completed again to ensure participants are equipped with the knowledge and information provided through these web-based trainings....(read more)
MUST be completed no later than the date listed in the description. There are four (4) web-based trainings that serve as prerequisites to the initial medically complex training, Join Hands Together. These include Medically Complex Orientation (2.25 hours), DCBS Standards of Practice for Medically Complex Homes (1 hour), Growth and Development (1 hour) and Nutrition (1 hour). These are required for all foster parents before they attend the in-person or virtual Join Hands Together training, which provides the remaining 6.75 hours of initial Medically Complex training credit.
Protection & Permanency and Foster Parents
Medically Complex: Nutrition
This web-based training is required for Foster/Adoptive Parents who are seeking approval as Medically Complex Foster/Adoptive Parents.The training will assist them in understanding Medical Nutrition Therapy, resources available, do’s and don’ts, diseases that can affect eating, eating disorders and the need for teaching healthy eating habits....(read more)
Medically Complex: Orientation
This web-based training is intended for any Foster/Adoptive Parent, Kinship Care Provider, PCC's, or workers who are interested in the Medically Complex Program. Information such as diseases and conditions of the medically complex child, documentation for approval of the resource home and ongoing training requirements will be discussed....(read more)
Medically Complex: Standards of Practice
This web-based training is required for Foster/Adoptive Parents who are seeking approval as Medically Complex Foster/Adoptive Parents. Participants will receive an overview of the Standards of Practice that is followed for the designation of Medically Complex. History, criteria, medical support section, monthly reports, exceptions, individual health plans, ongoing contact, medical passports, training and medically complex home requirements will all be covered....(read more)
Medication Administration
In this web-based training, Foster/Adoptive Parents will receive information on basic medication administration and documentation. The training will include information of the six rights of medication administration, how the body utilizes medications, side effects, adverse effects, considerations for administering medications and DCBS forms related to medication administration....(read more)
Medication Administration for Non-Traditional Settings: A Guide for DCBS Staff
In this web-based training participants will meet the following performance objectives: Increase understanding on how to safely administer medications, understand the do’s and don’ts of medication administration, understand safe storage and control of medications, and understand the types of psychotropic medications and the appropriate use....(read more)
Methamphetamines 101
This web-based training will cover the basics of Meth.Topics covered will include what it looks like; how it’s used and made; how to identify red flags and/or symptoms of Meth use; and using interpersonal skills to assess and communicate in these situations to increase safety for them and the children they are to protect....(read more)
National Accuracy Clearinghouse
This training is designed to walk Field Staff, Case Managers, Supervisors, and Program Specialists through the National Accuracy Clearinghouse (NAC) interface, including what NAC is, its purpose, and worker actions required when a response is received from NAC....(read more)
Network Crisis Intervention
This mandatory training, for Network members only, will introduce participants to the Network Crisis Intervention Model. Participants will learn and practice communication skills; explore and identify personal triggers; learn critical thinking skills and how to apply them to a crisis; and will understand the need for and how to self-care....(read more)
Non-Certified Basic First Aid Skills and Universal Precautions
This web-based training is intended for all Foster/Adoptive Parents with the EXCEPTION of homes that are Medically Complex which requires Certified First Aid. The training will teach basic skills such as how to recognize and how to handle situations that include bleeding, fractures, nosebleeds, head injuries, etc. This information in no way replaces the need to consult medical professionals if needed. This training will meet the required First Aid training requirements. Participants will understand universal precautions and other preventative health practices, increase awareness of ways illnesses are spread and to explore ways to prevent the spread of disease....(read more)
Non-Fatal Strangulation Education for Child Protective Services Employees
Identify the signs and symptoms consistent with strangulation and apply evidence-based practices, while utilizing a trauma-informed approach. Recognize the risk and predictive nature associated with intimate partner strangulation. Articulate the importance of creating a regional non-fatal strangulation protocol and galvanizing a coordinated community response. Apply knowledge gained through non-fatal strangulation training to the application of care and investigations involving children....(read more)
North Carolina Family Assessment Scale
This web-based training was designed for P&P front-line staff to help them incorporate the NCFAS in their casework decisions. Once completed, workers should have a better understanding of the tool, services offered by in-home providers and how to better use this information to update assessments and case plans therefore providing appropriate services for families and children....(read more)
PCC/PCP Provider Learning: Cabinet Requirements and Recommendations
This is a four-module training intended to provide PCC/PCP agency staff with helpful information about Cabinet requirements and recommendations in the areas of assessment, treatment planning, discharge planning, and two-week notices....(read more)
Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma: A Program for Foster Parents
This web-based training is intended for Foster/Adoptive Parents and will need to be repeated every five years. Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma, also known as "Shaken Baby Syndrome", is the leading cause of death from child abuse. Recent legislation passed in Kentucky requires training on recognition, intervention and prevention of abusive head trauma for a variety of Kentucky citizens and professionals who work with children. This web-based training will fulfill the training requirements mandated by House Bill 285....(read more)
Post Adoptive Placement Stabilization Services
Review of SOP and requirements associated with PAPSS. For R&C to learn and be able to identify their role with PAPSS cases and their responsibility to provide case management post adoption to subsidy families in need of supportive services. This training is mandatory for R&C staff and optional for other DCBS staff....(read more)
Practicing Self-Care
This web-based training is intended for Family Support workers. Participants will receive information about the importance of self-care and ways to practice self-care in their work environment. Topics include self-care for physical, emotional and professional realms among others to restore and reduce unnecessary stress, burnout and compassion fatigue. Participants will be able to engage in a self-care assessment, and to make an individualized self-care plan. Upon completion of this training, participants will have the tools to incorporate self-care into their daily routines.
Preventing Disease Transmission
This web-based training will provide participants with an overview of common contagious diseases, vectors of disease transmission and methods to prevent the spread of disease. Effective 2011, this training is required annually for all DCBS Staff and meets the Bloodborne Pathogen training required by Facilities Management....(read more)
Professional Documentation
This web-based training is intended for DCBS Staff working in P&P. A major responsibility for P&P staff is casework documentation. This training will raise awareness of the need for professionalism in documenting services to families. Guidelines for organizing your writing, checking for common grammatical errors and avoiding pitfalls that are often found in professional social work documentation will be covered....(read more)
Professional Documentation Micro
This micro training is intended for DCBS P&P staff and stresses the importance of thorough documentation. This training is a refresher of the content presented in the Academy.
Protection and Permanency Leadership Training Series: Core A
This series of trainings is designed for Family Services Office Supervisors of Protection and Permanency. These trainings will provide supervisors with leadership skills and tools that can support them as they carry out their diverse activities. Supervisors are presented with an integrated framework consisting of three functions: Administrative, Educational and Supportive functions and will practice strategies to ensure strength-based approaches are systemically applied for both employees and families. Topics include trauma informed practice, self-care and secondary traumatic stress, racial equity, ethical decision making, cultural humility, coaching and mentoring strategies, learning styles and team building....(read more)
Collaborative Safety Leadership
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Protection and Permanency Leadership Training Series: Core B
This series of trainings is designed for Family Services Office Supervisors of Protection and Permanency. These trainings will provide supervisors with leadership skills and tools that can support them as they carry out their diverse activities. Supervisors are presented with an integrated framework consisting of three functions: Administrative, Educational and Supportive functions and will practice strategies to ensure strength-based approaches are systemically applied for both employees and families. Topics include trauma informed practice, self-care and secondary traumatic stress, racial equity, ethical decision making, cultural humility, coaching and mentoring strategies, learning styles and team building....(read more)
Protection and Permanecy Leadership Training Series: Core A.
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Protection and Permanency Leadership Training Series: Core C
This series of trainings is designed for Family Services Office Supervisors of Protection and Permanency. These trainings will provide supervisors with leadership skills and tools that can support them as they carry out their diverse activities. Supervisors are presented with an integrated framework consisting of three functions: Administrative, Educational and Supportive functions and will practice strategies to ensure strength-based approaches are systemically applied for both employees and families. Topics include trauma informed practice, self-care and secondary traumatic stress, racial equity, ethical decision making, cultural humility, coaching and mentoring strategies, learning styles and team building....(read more)
Protection and Permanency Leadership Training Series Core A and Core B.
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Protection and Permanency Leadership Training Series: Core D
This series of trainings is designed for Family Services Office Supervisors of Protection and Permanency. These trainings will provide supervisors with leadership skills and tools that can support them as they carry out their diverse activities. Supervisors are presented with an integrated framework consisting of three functions: Administrative, Educational and Supportive functions and will practice strategies to ensure strength-based approaches are systemically applied for both employees and families. Topics include trauma informed practice, self-care and secondary traumatic stress, racial equity, ethical decision making, cultural humility, coaching and mentoring strategies, learning styles and team building....(read more)
Protection and Permanency Leadership Training Series Core A, Core B, and Core C.
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Protection and Permanency Leadership Training Series: Core E
This series of trainings is designed for Family Services Office Supervisors of Protection and Permanency. These trainings will provide supervisors with leadership skills and tools that can support them as they carry out their diverse activities. Supervisors are presented with an integrated framework consisting of three functions: Administrative, Educational and Supportive functions and will practice strategies to ensure strength-based approaches are systemically applied for both employees and families. Topics include trauma informed practice, self-care and secondary traumatic stress, racial equity, ethical decision making, cultural humility, coaching and mentoring strategies, learning styles and team building....(read more)
Protection and Permanency Leadership Training Series Core A, Core B, Core C, and Core D.
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Providing Language Access to Limited English Proficient Persons
This web-based training is required of all CHFS front-line staff, as well as any staff who have direct contact with customers of the Cabinet. This training is intended to increase your awareness of the importance of providing language access to all customers. Participants completing this training will be provided with an overview of CHFS Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Policies, guidelines for effectively assisting LEP customers and information on interpreter service option....(read more)
Psychotropic Medication Use in Out-of-Home Care
This web-based training is intended for all DCBS Staff and will provide an overview of psychotropic medications, their common classes, how they relate to common diagnoses of children in care, and how assessment of their appropriateness fits with trauma-informed care and the screening, assessment and treatment of children in out-of-home care. Participants will also be provided with information on the behavioral health needs of children in care, alternatives to use of psychotropic medications, weighing risks and benefits, the worker’s role in informed consent, and questions for medical providers which may assist workers in determining appropriate treatment and whether to provide consent for use of psychotropic medications....(read more)
Psychotropic Medications
This web-based training was designed to give all Kentucky Foster/Adoptive Parents basic information about psychotropic medication, which is often prescribed to children in out-of-home care. Topics include a definition, introduction, common classes, common diagnosis, alternatives, benefits, risk, questions for medical providers, the do’s and dont's and sample challenges with possible solutions. Additional references and resources are also given....(read more)
Quality Engagement for Successful Partnership
The purpose of this training, intended for P&P Regional Staff, Supervisors and Workers, is to enhance staff and supervisors' skills in effective engagement with families and to demonstrate its importance....(read more)
Racial Trauma Overview
This training will provide opportunities for participants to develop a better understanding and awareness of the impact of race-based stress and trauma as well as facilitate the ability for participants to provide culturally diverse and trauma-resilient interventions to our BIPOC clients....(read more)
Random Moment Sampling
This course is required as part of New Employee Orientation for DCBS Staff in FS and P&P. In this web-based training, participants will be reviewing tools used by DCBS that determine cost distribution to various family support and protection and permanency programs and services. The primary purpose of this training is to inform you of the overall Random Moment Sampling (RMS) process and create awareness of the types of information that you will provide in a RMS such as the activity being performed by the worker at a particular moment. Random moment is a point in time selected at random and moment is a specific minute during work hours. In this training, there is a section that tells us who the observers are and how RMS works....(read more)
Reasonable and Prudent Parenting Standards
This web-based training gives an overview of the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standards and promoting normalcy for children in care as it pertains to the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act of 2014. The training is designed for P&P staff, DCBS Foster/Adoptive Parents, Private Child Placing and Private Child Caring Agency staff and parents. This training will define RPPS and how it is applied, youth rights and responsibilities, staff and foster parent roles and DCBS policies....(read more)
Reasonable and Prudent Parenting Standards for Private Child Care Staff
This training is intended for private child care staff. Trainer must have previously attended RPPS:TOT. This training will provide information regarding the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standards as it pertains to the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act of 2014. This training will define RPPS and how it applies to all staff and foster parent roles, youth rights and responsibilities, and DCBS policies. Protecting Children and Youth at Risk of Sex Trafficking and the Planning and Transition for a Successful Adulthood will also be Reviewed....(read more)
Residential Worker Competency Project
Reasonable Efforts to Preserve and Reunify Families
This session will discuss statutes and expectations around reasonable efforts findings, review valid reasons for not finding reasonable efforts, and provide an overview of prevention efforts by the Department of Community Based Services. This session will also review expectations and communication about accessing and building local service array and how the Family First Prevention Services Act fits in....(read more)
Recovery Champions: Harm Reduction
This training is available for all DCBS staff as well as both DCBS and PCP Foster Parents to understand the definition of both abstinence-based models and harm reduction models in addressing SUD. Participants will identify the most common harm reduction services related to the opioid crisis and learn how to separate myth from fact regarding common ideas about harm reduction. For DCBS Foster Parents only, this training meets policy for ongoing Care Plus training.
This training has been funded by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services through the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE), a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant....(read more)
Recovery Champions: Introduction to Substance Use Disorders
This training is available for all DCBS Staff as well as both DCBS and PCP Foster Parents to better understand addiction as a chronic relapsing brain disease. Participants will identify the attributes of drug misuse, dependence and tolerance and how drug use affects the brain and body. The training will also explore the biological, psychological, and social factors that must be addressed in addiction treatment services. For DCBS Foster Parents only, this training meets policy for ongoing Care Plus training.
This training has been funded by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services through the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE), a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant....(read more)
Recovery Champions: Medication-Assisted Treatment
This training is available for all DCBS Staff as well as both DCBS and PCP Foster Parents to understand the comprehensive model of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and the evidence to support MAT. Participants will become familiar with the FDA approved medications and understand how to communicate with others about effective use of MAT. The corresponding activity will allow participants to explore the myths versus facts of MAT. For DCBS Foster Parents only, this training meets policy for ongoing Care Plus training.
This training has been funded by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services through the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE), a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant....(read more)
Recovery Champions: Opioids
This training is available for all DCBS Staff as well as both DCBS and PCP Foster Parents to understand the legal and illicit drugs classified as opioids and identify the scale and cost of the opioid crisis. Participants will identify probable causation factors for the opioid crisis and understand effective strategies that are working to reduce the impact of the opioid crisis on individuals and communities. The corresponding activity will allow participants to connect the reviewed material concerning state and national trends with what they see in their communities. For DCBS Foster Parents only, this training meets policy for ongoing Care Plus training.
This training has been funded by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services through the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE), a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant....(read more)
Recovery Champions: Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC)
This training is available for all DCBS staff as well as both DCBS and PCP Foster Parents to understand recovery-oriented systems of care (ROSC) and identify areas your organization can focus on to move ROSC forward.
This training has been funded by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services through the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE), a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant....(read more)
Recovery Champions: Return to Use
This training is available for all DCBS staff as well as both DCBS and PCP Foster Parents to understand the science supporting SUD as a no-fault brain disease and the unique challenges of opioid withdrawal and craving. Participants will learn how unresolved opioid cravings leaves an individual vulnerable to return to use, which is a symptom of a chronic health condition, not a treatment failure. The corresponding activity will allow participants to complete an organizational assessment to measure readiness to effectively serve people with a substance use disorder.
For DCBS Foster Parents only, this training meets policy for ongoing Care Plus training.
This training has been funded by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services through the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE), a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant....(read more)
Recovery Champions: Stigma
This training is available for all DCBS Staff as well as both DCBS and PCP Foster Parents to understand the definition of stigma as related to addiction and the potential impact of stigma on individuals with SUD. The corresponding activity will allow participants to identify stigmatizing words or phrases and learn how to replace them with non-stigmatizing language. For DCBS Foster Parents only, this training meets policy for ongoing Care Plus training.
This training has been funded by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services through the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE), a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant....(read more)
Recovery Champions: Trauma
This training is available for all DCBS staff as well as both DCBS and PCP Foster Parents to understand the prevalence of trauma in people with SUD. This training will also describe the relationship between ACEs, SUD, and behavioral problems. The corresponding activity will all participants to learn how to best support individuals experiencing a trauma response.
This training has been funded by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services through the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE), a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant...(read more)
Recovery Champions: Treatment
This training is available for all DCBS Staff as well as both DCBS and PCP Foster Parents to understand the current structures of treatment and how people benefit from these professional services. Participants will understand how clinical services operate at different levels to support recovery and identify markers of effective treatment. This training will explore the concept of a continuum of care and identify ways medication-assisted treatment (MAT) can work across levels of care and the best practices in the treatment of SUD, opioid use disorders, and co-occurring mental health disorders. The corresponding activity will demonstrate the effectiveness of using an individualized, collaborative, strengths-based, non-punitive approach to build on a client’s resilience rather than focus on failures. For DCBS Foster Parents only, this training meets policy for ongoing Care Plus training.
This training has been funded by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services through the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE), a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant....(read more)
Relative and Fictive Kin Service Array Micro
This micro training is intended for DCBS P&P workers to overview the relative and fictive kin service array. Participants will differentiate between the two service array options and know which forms to complete for each option....(read more)
Religious Affiliation Protocol for Children in Out-of-Home Care
This web-based training is intended for P&P Staff and Private Child Care Staff. This training will help all staff become more aware of children and families’ rights of religious freedom and protection from proselytization or coercion related to religion. Agreements, forms and protocol that have been designed to ensure and protect this freedom will be highlighted....(read more)
Resource Parent Curriculum Trainers: Effective Implementation
The UK Center on Trauma and Children (CTAC) is hosting a session focused on overcoming implementation challenges associated with Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma: Resource Parent Curriculum. This will be a 1 hour session to discuss challenges and strategies for overcoming barriers to effective implementation. This session is intended for those who have already completed the initial three day train the trainer event with CTAC....(read more)
This session is intended for those who have already completed the initial three day Caring for Children train the trainer event with CTAC.
Protection & Permanency
Responding to the Impact of Implicit Bias
This online training is designed for all DCBS staff to understand the impact of implicit bias and its effect on decision-making. This training allows participants to become aware and appreciate aspects of culture while evaluating their own cultural characteristics to discover where their attitudes and beliefs about other cultures originated. Participants are given information on the REDUCE model as a skill to help them reduce prejudice both personally and professionally....(read more)
Understanding Cultural Differences and Implicit Bias
Right Time Training: Accessing Service and Support
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. In this training participants will: Learn to normalize the need to ask for services and the importance of being a life-long learner, recognize the need to become an advocate for children to ensure they get the services they need; recognize the importance of developing a support network (school, community supports, friends, medical), understand the types of services available including counseling for trauma and loss; understand the importance of medical/developmental screening and counseling; understand the value of support groups and peer-to-peer programs....(read more)
Right Time Training: Building Children’s Resilience
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. Resilience can be defined as "the ability to achieve positive outcomes-mentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually- despite adversity" (Kain & Terrell, 2018). The purpose of this module is to help foster and adoptive parents understand concepts and definitions related to enhancing resiliency in children who have experienced loss, separation, or other traumatic experiences; understand the protective factors; how to build upon protective factors; become aware of strategies that support children and develop their identity, self-esteem, and skills towards self- advocacy....(read more)
Right Time Training: Building Parental Resilience
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. In this training participants will: Understand what parental resiliency is and the importance of resiliency for those parents who are fostering or adopting; recognize the kinds of parenting challenges that are likely to occur when fostering or adopting children who have experienced trauma, separation and loss; understand the four building blocks of parental resiliency; recognize friends and family may not understand the complexity of the children’s needs or the need to provide support to the family; understand the importance of self-care and the steps necessary to build and maintain self-care....(read more)
Right Time Training: Common Feelings
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. In this training participants will: Understand common feelings that children can have that are associated with being adopted, such as believing that they were responsible for removal from their birth family, internalizing the message that they should be grateful or that they should feel lucky to have been adopted, feeling guilty regarding mixed loyalty issues, experiencing a sense of loss or being different, etc. Strategies for parents to provide support for children to help them address and make sense of these emotions....(read more)
Right Time Training: Education
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. In this training participants will: Understand educational considerations that may need to be put in place for children who have experienced loss, separation or other traumatic experiences; know how to advocate for children in the school settings; aware of challenges children may encounter in school; understand IEP and 504 plans; aware of strategies to partner with teachers and schools for academic success; know how to plan for higher education and/or vocations....(read more)
Right Time Training: Family Dynamics
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. This theme is best for families who are in the process of becoming a foster or adoptive parent or families who have just recently started this journey. The theme will provide critical information that a family needs to think about in regards to how bringing children into their home through foster care or adoption will impact their marriage, children already in the home, relations with extended family and friends and overall schedule. This theme also provides information on what families should consider when determining how and when to bring new children into their home including making informed decisions regarding the age of children and types of behaviors that the family could effectively handle....(read more)
Right Time Training: Life Story
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. In this training participants will: Understand when and how to tell children their adoption/birth story based on age and developmental level; recognize the importance of making this an on-going conversation with children in an inclusive, open fashion; willing to honor strengths while also acknowledging challenges....(read more)
Right Time Training: Managing Placement Transitions
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. In this training participants will: Learn how to effectively support children in both planned and unplanned placement transitions both into/and out of the foster/adoptive home; helping children feel welcome; staying connected....(read more)
Right Time Training: Preparing and Managing Visitations
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. In this training participants will: Understand how to check in and address children’s concerns, questions and emotions before and after visits with their families; able to name and validate the range of feelings associated with visits from children and their parents; understand how to prepare the children for visitations; recognize the importance of visits even if children exhibit behaviors before or after the visits; understand role of the parent who is fostering or adopting in the visit and need to keep the children free to enjoy the visits; aware of language to use with children when visits are missed or cancelled....(read more)
Right Time Training: Preparing for Adulthood
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. In this training participants will: Be provided an overview of a strength-based approach to preparing teenagers for successful transition to adulthood; understand how developmental age impacts this process; recognize that preparing for adulthood does not end at 18 and that teenagers require support well after this age. Know how to provide teenagers with skills that set them up for success as young adults....(read more)
Right Time Training: Responding to Children in Crisis
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. In this training participants will: Become aware of strategies to help children become regulated while de-escalating crises; aware of strategies to help children return to a calm state and keep children who are dysregulated safe while also keeping family members safe; become aware of strategies to help children and families feel physically and psychologically safe; understand the importance of partnering with other professionals and entities around a crisis....(read more)
Right Time Training: Sensory Integration
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. In this training participants will: Understand sensory integration, aware of how to be a sensory detective to identify children's needs; develop strategies to meet children's sensory integration needs; aware of techniques to help children with sensory integration needs....(read more)
Right Time Training: Sexual Identity and Development
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. In training participants will: Understand healthy sexual development; aware of definitions and language (familiar with the differences between sex and gender, gender expression and gender identity, and sexual orientation and gender); know how to help children and teenagers develop strategies to handle bias and discrimination; open to non-binary gender identities; aware of how to help teenagers understand healthy sexual relationships....(read more)
Right Time Training: Sexual Trauma
This web-based training is designed for PCP and DCBS foster and adoptive parents as well as PCP and R&C workers. In this training participants will: Become aware of indicators of sexual abuse; recognize the impact in interrupted sexual development; become aware of the unique challenges associated with parenting children who have been sexually abused; recognize the potential risk factors for children who have been sexually abused including re-victimization, sexual trafficking and re-enactment behaviors....(read more)
Safe Sleep Guidelines for P&P Workers and Foster Families
Safe Sleep Guidelines for P&P Workers and Foster Families will assist participants in the following performance objectives: recognizing the risk and protective factors for Sudden Unexpected Infant Death, defining the guidelines for safe infant sleep, and evaluating an infant’s sleeping environment....(read more)
Safeguarding Confidential Social Security Administration and IRS Information
This web-based training is intended for DCBS employees who have access to confidential information provided by Social Security Administration (SSA) or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This training will familiarize staff on steps to take when handling confidential information, identify Federal Tax Information (FTI) and agencies that have existing Memorandums Of Understanding (MOUs)....(read more)
This web-based training is designed for all P&P supervisors and frontline workers in the Northeastern and Southern Bluegrass regions of Kentucky. The training will provide an overview of the goals of SAFESPACE (Screening & Assessment for Enhanced Service Provision to All Children Everyday) and foundational information of trauma-informed care for children and families....(read more)
Safety: Preventing and Reporting Dog Attacks During Home Visits
This web-based training is intended and mandated yearly for all frontline Protection and Permanency staff. The purpose of this training is to educate staff on how to remain safe in the presence of dogs during a home visit. Participants will also learn how to report a critical incident in the event of a dog bite or attack....(read more)
Screening and Identification of Human Trafficking
This is a mandatory training for P&P and PCC/PCP staff. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to meet the following performance objectives: Review definition of human trafficking, focusing on the elements of control, increase knowledge of vulnerabilities and red flags specific to human trafficking, become familiar with screening tools and techniques for human trafficking identification, and expand understanding of integrating screening into intake and assessment processes and response to screening outcomes. Foster Parent role is not approved for credit....(read more)
Sex Trafficking of Children and Youth
Welcome to the Sex Trafficking of Children and Youth training. This online training will provide participants with an overview of sex trafficking, including definitions and terminology, vulnerabilities, risk, and protective factors. An overview of tools and resources will conclude the training. Effective 2024, this training is required within 90 days of hire for all DCBS Staff. You will receive 2.0 training credit hours for completing this training. Upon completion of the course, you will be able to: describe sex trafficking and related terminology, understand federal law related to sex trafficking, list vulnerabilities, risk, and protective factors for sex trafficking, become familiar with sex trafficking typologies and case examples, locate and access resources for survivors and youth at risk of sex trafficking....(read more)
Human Trafficking Overview 101, Screening and Identification of Human Trafficking, and Labor Trafficking of Children and Youth
Sibling Connections in Out-of-Home Care
This web-based training is intended for Foster/Adoptive Parents and DCBS Staff. The training will look at background, and the importance of sibling relationships and maintaining those relationships during their time in out-of-home care. The effects of not maintaining these relationships will also be covered....(read more)
SNAP and CCAP Basic: Part I
Participants will receive instruction and practice to prepare them to determine eligibility for SNAP and CCAP. Participants will enter applications and process pending applications. Topics include: Worker Portal navigation, technical eligibility requirements, case comments, tools to ensure case accuracy, and introduction to deductions including verification sources, manual calculations and system entry. FS 103s will be completed. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to navigate Worker Portal. Participants will not be able to interview clients observe interviews, speak with clients, completed FS-2s, completed document processing task which include income and deductions....(read more)
Introduction to Community Based Services, Introduction to Family Support Policy and System, and the following: SNAP and CCAP Basic Series: Pretest; Fidelity Information Systems: Navigating the Agency Portal for Electronic Benefits Transfer Inquiry, Electronic Benefits Transfer: Card Security, SNAP: FS-2 SNAP Reviews, and Understanding Poverty and Self-Sufficiency.
Family Support
SNAP and CCAP Basic: Part I Post-Test
This training is intended for new Family Support employees who are enrolled in SNAP and CCAP Basic series and will be used to measure learning at the end of SNAP and CCAP Basic: Part I.
Introduction to Community Based Services, Introduction to Family Support Policy and System.
SNAP and CCAP Basic: Part II
Participants will receive instruction and practice to prepare them to determine eligibility for SNAP and CCAP. Topics include Interviewing, Expedited Services, Self-Employment specific to SNAP and CCAP, ABAWD and E and T, additional information about Medical Expenses, work requirements for CCAP, and Expedited Renewals. FS 103s will be completed. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to process pending applications, recertifications, and case changes. Participants should be able to interview clients, and take minimal calls on Call Services....(read more)
SNAP and CCAP Basic: Part I, Worker Portal: Voice Signature and E-Signature, and Call Services for Case Workers.
Family Support
SNAP and CCAP Basic: Part II Post-Test
This training is intended for new Family Support employees who are enrolled in SNAP and CCAP Basic series and will be used to measure learning at the end of SNAP and CCAP: Part II.
Introduction to Community Based Services, Introduction to Family Support Policy and System, SNAP and CCAP: Basic Part I
SNAP and CCAP Basic: Part III
Participants will receive instruction and practice for the following topics: Homeless households, Students for both SNAP and CCAP, Immigrants, additional information on medical expenses, CCAP, case changes, and interviewing and explanations to clients. Participants will enter and process applications and case changes. FS 103s will be completed. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to work in all functional areas of Family Support in relation to SNAP and CCAP....(read more)
SNAP and CCAP Basic: Part I and Part II, Family Support: Disqualifications, Hearings and Claims, and SNAP: Positive Errors and Case and Procedural Errors
Family Support
SNAP and CCAP Basic: Part III Post-Test
This training is intended for new Family Support employees who are enrolled in SNAP and Child Care series and will be used to measure learning at the end of SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment....(read more)
Introduction to Community Based Services, Introduction to Family Support Policy and System, SNAP and CCAP Basic: Part I and II
SNAP and CCAP Basic: Series Pre-Test
This is intended for new Family Support employees who are enrolled in SNAP and CCAP Basic series and will be used to measure knowledge before attending the SNAP and CCAP series.
SNAP and Child Care: Technical Eligibility
This micro-learning web-based training is intended for Family Support workers who are enrolled and participating in SNAP and Child Care: System and Policy class. Instruction includes technical eligibility requirements in SNAP and CCAP. Participants will compare and contrast Technical Eligibility requirements for SNAP and CCAP, and will explore in detail the following four technical eligibility requirements: Residency, Enumeration, Age of Child, and Citizenship/Immigrant Status. To begin this training, please go to: more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services.
SNAP and Child Care: Tools for Accuracy
This web-based training is intended for Family Support workers who are enrolled and currently participating in SNAP and Child Care series. Instruction includes online and Worker Portal resources that can be used to ensure accuracy for SNAP and CCAP. Participants will discover where to access tools such as the Family Support Online Manuals, FS-103 form, CHFS Intranet resource pages, Worker Portal summary screens, Quality Assurance reviews, and the Training Branch website....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services
SNAP: Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD)
This web-based training reviews basic policies for Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD). Upon completion of this web-based training, participants will be able to explain ABAWD exemptions, work requirements for non-exempt individuals, and time limits for individuals who are not meeting work requirements....(read more)
Either SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment, SNAP, CCAP, MAGI, and MSP: Part IV, or SNAP and CCAP Basic: Part III
SNAP: Disaster Assistance
Upon completion of this web based training, participants will be able to accept and complete Disaster SNAP (DSNAP) applications on Worker Portal. Participants will receive instruction on DSNAP eligibility, worker responsibilities, benefit calculations and issuing and logging EBT cards....(read more)
SNAP and Child Care: Eligibility and Enrollment; SNAP: Eligibility and Enrollment; SNAP: Advanced; Food Benefits training; or Food Stamp training.
SNAP: FS-2 SNAP Reviews
This web-based training is part of the SNAP, CCAP, MAGI, and MSP training series, to be completed prior to attending Part III. Upon completion, participants will be able to review FS-2 forms, determine if they are complete or incomplete, acknowledge the form on Worker Portal and complete any necessary changes....(read more)
Introduction to Community Based Services; SNAP, CCAP, MAGI, and MSP: Part II
SNAP: Positive Errors and Case and Procedural Errors
Upon completion of this web-based training, participants will be able to define both positive errors as well as case and procedural errors, identify error sources and develop solutions to lower the both error rates....(read more)
Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Team Mini Foundations
This training is designed for START Family Mentors as an introductory training to the Department for Community Based Services. In this training participants will receive information on the following topics: Basics of Protection & Permanency, dynamics and indicators of abuse, ethics, professionalism, self-care, implicit bias, poverty vs neglect, safety vs risk, engaging families, family strengths, assessment and documentation, case planning, and court....(read more)
i-TWIST for START Mentors
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Social Service Aide Special Track
Social Service Aides provide an array of support and case management services to workers, clients and client families to assist in reunification and/or permanency. They also provide home support services for abusive and/or neglectful families, for the economically disadvantaged, incapacitated, or developmentally disabled. This annual training is designed to provide staff development aides based on needs assessment completed by Social Service Aides and their supervisors....(read more)
Protection & Permanency
Social Work Licensure and Ethics
This training is for new and tenured staff with the Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) and meets the requirement for the social work code of ethics as established in 201 KAR 23:080. Utilizing the DCBS Standards of Practice and code of ethical conduct, participants will utilize principled decision-making as it applies in client settings (home and office), client relationships, responsibility to clients, informed consent, and professional integrity, responsibility to students/ supervisees, advertising, payment, confidentiality, client records, dual relationships, referral and termination, and duty to report. Participants will review setting boundaries in these areas and apply those to case scenarios....(read more)
Social Work Principles
This training is designed for all new Protection and Permanency workers and is the first training in Foundations in Child, Family and Adult Services. Participants will be given foundational knowledge in the areas of Cultural Humility, Resistance, Engaging Families, Trauma-Informed Care, Secondary-Trauma, Self-Care, Safety, Risk, Poverty, Neglect, Family Strengths, Professionalism, History, Laws, and Court Basics....(read more)
Protection & Permanency
Moodle Scheduled
Special Needs of the SKY Population
High-level overview of frequently seen medical and behavioral health needs, including how to identify Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) that impact the KY SKY populations; information on covered benefits, accessing services (including specialty treatment and placements) for the KY SKY Population....(read more)
Specialized Referrals and Assessments in Day Cares, Schools and Other Out-of-Home Care Settings
This training is intended for investigative workers and supervisors who are identified as the workers in their region to initiate investigations involving Day Cares, Schools, Human Trafficking, Residential Facilities, Foster Homes and other PCC placements. The training will discuss the roles of DCBS and other agencies in these investigations. The final day will focus on physical management and its relationship to the referrals received in many cases.
A portion of this training will be conducted using the Moodle learning management system. Prior to attending this training, participants will be emailed a link via an e-mail that will provide further instructions. Participants will be required to complete pre-work assignments in Moodle that will allow the training to move along at a more rapid pace....(read more)
Forensic Interviewing; Human Trafficking 101: An Overview; CAPTA: Child Abuse Prevention Treatment Act Hearings; Social Work Principles; Intake Process Systems; Medical Indicators; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part I; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part II; Case Management Part I: Case Planning; Case Management Part II: Out-of-Home Care; Child Sexual Abuse in Child Welfare
Protection & Permanency
Hybrid (classroom and/or virtual)
Structured Analysis Family Evaluations Home Study
This training is mandatory for those writing home studies to approve Foster/Adoptive Parents. Participants will learn to identify what a home study is; how to administer the questionnaires and reference letter; how to apply the SAFE Desk guide, Psychosocial Inventory and to use the SAFE rating scale....(read more)
Protection & Permanency
Structured Analysis Family Evaluations Home Study for Supervisors
This training is mandatory for supervisors for staff that complete home studies for Foster/Adoptive Parents. During the training, the participant will understand their role and responsibilities in this process. They will be able to facilitate and adhere to the SAFE practice values and guide the practitioners in the correct administration and utilization of the SAFE home study. The participant will be able to work with staff to apply the mitigation process to Final Desk Guide Ratings of 3-5. In addition, they will be able to assess the worker's ability to use the tools correctly, coach them to use the tools if needed and to use the tools with professional diligence....(read more)
Structured Decision Making: Intake Assessment for P&P Workers
Structured Decision Making: Intake Assessment for P&P Workers will assist participants in the following performance objectives: Understand the SDM system and how the SDM intake assessment, with good practice skills, can help support decision making, learn the purpose, structure, policy and procedures of the SDM intake assessment’s components, recognize and understand the importance of gathering information from a reporting source utilizing different strategies, and practice applying information to the SDM intake assessment definitions and completing the intake assessment....(read more)
Structured Decision Making: Intake Assessment for Supervisors
Intake Assessment for Supervisors will assist participants in the following performance objectives: Understand the SDM system and how the SDM intake assessment, with good practice skills, can help support decision making, learn the purpose, structure, policy and procedures of the SDM intake assessment’s components, recognize and understand the importance of gathering information from a reporting source utilizing different strategies, and practice applying information to the SDM intake assessment definitions and completing the intake assessment....(read more)
Structured Decision Making: Safety and Risk Assessment Application for P&P Workers
This web-based training is intended for P&P frontline staff. After completion of this training, participants will understand the Structured Decision Making® (SDM) model’s principles and benefits, understand how each assessment supports decision making, know how to apply definitions accurately and complete SDM assessments in compliance with policy, and be able to apply SDM assessment findings when determining "next steps" in a case....(read more)
Structured Decision Making: Safety and Risk Assessment Application for Supervisors
This web-based training is intended for P&P supervisors and leadership. After completion of this training, participants will understand the Structured Decision Making® (SDM) model’s principles and benefits, understand how each assessment supports decision making, know how to apply definitions accurately, complete SDM assessments in compliance with policy, be able to apply SDM assessment findings when determining "next steps" in a case, and understand general supervision strategies as supervision relates to SDM....(read more)
Structured Decision Making: Safety Assessment
This Web Based Training is a mandatory prerequisite to the Synchronous Structured Decision Making Safety Assessment Training. It is intended for P&P frontline staff. This training is designed to provide participants with introductory knowledge of Kentucky’s Safety Assessment. After completion of this training, participants will understand the purpose of the Structured Decision Making Safety Assessment for Kentucky, understand how the Structured Decision Making Safety Assessment fits into the Structured Decision Making system, and learn about the basic components of the Structured Decision Making Safety Assessment and the major policies and procedures related to implementing it....(read more)
Structured Decision Making: Supervisor Safety Assessment
This course is mandatory prerequisite to the Synchronous Supervisor Structured Decision Making Safety Assessment Training. It is intended for P&P Supervisors. This training is designed to provide participants with introductory knowledge of Kentucky’s Safety Assessment and its role in supervision. After completion of this training, participants will review key Structured Decision Making safety and risk concepts, review strategies for supervisors to incorporate the Structured Decision Making assessment and definitions into supervision, and understand how the safety and risk assessments structure decision making....(read more)
Supervisor Appointments
This training is designed to walk Supervisors through all appointments-related functionality in Worker Portal they have access to, including the benefits of appointments for Field Supervisors and Residents, setting office appointment setup and capacity, accessing appointments from the Dashboard and assigning unassigned appointments to Field Staff, checking currently scheduled appointments on the Calendar screen, scheduling new appointments, searching for scheduled appointments, how to join different appointment channel types, and how to set out of office....(read more)
Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in Out of Home Care
This training is for Foster/Adoptive Parents to provide an overview of LGBTQ+ terms, challenges, and how to support and promote the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ youth in out-of-home care.
Supporting Parenting Youth in Foster Care
This training is available for all Protection and Permanency staff and both DCBS and PCP/PCC Foster/Adoptive Parents to learn Parenting Youth's rights and responsibilities. Participants will recognize the role of the social worker, foster/adoptive parent, and Independent Living Coordinator, and learn how to address safety threats and risk concerns. This training will also discuss the Parenting Youth Supplement....(read more)
Supporting Transition Age Youth
Participants will learn how Aetna Care Managers will support Transition Age Youth in collaboration with partners, philosophy around Family Finding and innovative Practices, and our special Value Add Benefits for this population....(read more)
Targeted Case Management
This web-based training is intended for Protection & Permanency staff and will introduce the various requirements and provisions of Targeted Case Management services. Policy defines TCM as services which will assist the targeted population in gaining needed medical, education, social and other support services. Effective January 2020, this training is required to be repeated annually.
Upon completion, participants will be able to define TCM; list what types of services can be coded to TCM; identify the elements of documentation that must be included in documented TCM contact and demostrate how to document a TCM hit in TWIST....(read more)
Technology and Tools
A virtual, interactive web based training focused on improving the participant’s knowledge and comfort on Microsoft Excel, SharePoint, Teams, PowerPoint, Outlook and Word.
Telephone Skills
This web-based training presents telephone etiquette strategies. Participants will receive instruction regarding telephone skills such as recognizing barriers to effective phone communication and appropriate ways to answer, screen and transfer phone calls....(read more)
The Learning Expo: Discovering the Family's Second Story
This training is intended for P&P Child Welfare professionals to examine what a 'second story' is and how to use language and interview skills to get the second story to increase engagement with families which will lead to improve outcomes for families....(read more)
Social Work Principles; Intake Process Systems; Medical Indicators; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part I; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part II; Case Management Part I: Case Planning; Case Management Part II: Out-of-Home Care; Child Sexual Abuse in Child Welfare
Protection & Permanency
The Learning Expo: Engaging Others Through Conversations
This training is intended for P&P Child Welfare professionals to enhance communication and conversation skills. Participants will explore techniques to positively influence families and individuals to make progress toward their goals while reducing stress on the Child Welfare professional....(read more)
Social Work Principles; Intake Process Systems; Medical Indicators; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part I; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part II; Case Management Part I: Case Planning; Case Management Part II: Out-of-Home Care; Child Sexual Abuse in Child Welfare
Protection & Permanency
The Learning Expo: Ethics Alive
This training is to teach P&P Child Welfare professionals how to use Ethics as an empowerment tool in the difficult situations that arise in the job of frontline Child Welfare professionals. We will discuss the what, when, and how of data-sharing, using media in the digital age, applying the "Doctrine of Double Effect," maintaining healthy concurrent relationships, and upholding ethics in the workplace....(read more)
Social Work Principles; Intake Process Systems; Medical Indicators; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part I; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part II; Case Management Part I: Case Planning; Case Management Part II: Out-of-Home Care; Child Sexual Abuse in Child Welfare
Protection & Permanency
The Learning Expo: Keys to Working with All Families
This training is intended for P&P Child Welfare Professionals and focuses on creating opportunities for participants to gain knowledge surrounding working with family diversity. Participants will be able to gain skills to work alongside of families dealing with substance use issues, facing homelessness, working with members of the LGTBQIA+ community, mental health concerns and families experiencing trauma. Participants will be provided with strategies to become aware of diversity factors present in families and how to engage with these populations....(read more)
Social Work Principles; Intake Process Systems; Medical Indicators; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part I; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part II; Case Management Part I: Case Planning; Case Management Part II: Out-of-Home Care; Child Sexual Abuse in Child Welfare
Protection & Permanency
The Learning Expo: Learning from Experience
This training is for P&P Child Welfare Professionals to expand their skills and knowledge around child protection case work. Participants will have an opportunity to troubleshoot concerns, address self care, learn how to adapt to unanticipated events, and practice decision making skills....(read more)
Social Work Principles;
Intake Process System; Medical Indicators; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part I;
Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part II;
Case Management Part I: Case Planning;
Case Management Part II: Out-of-Home Care;
Child Sexual Abuse in Child Welfare
Protection & Permanency
The Learning Expo: Resolving Conflict Effectively
This training is designed for P&P Child Welfare professionals who have successfully completed Foundations trainings to assist participants with effective ways to resolve conflict with supervisors, co-workers, foster parents and community partners. Learning components consist of defining "effective" resolution, communications skills, tactics for working with difficult people, the Conflict Cycle, and Chain of Command....(read more)
Social Work Principles; Intake Process Systems; Medical Indicators; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part I; Child Protective Services Assessment Skills and Policies: Part II; Case Management Part I: Case Planning; Case Management Part II: Out-of-Home Care; Child Sexual Abuse in Child Welfare
Protection & Permanency
The Role of DCBS in the Court Process
This session provides information about the role of various child welfare workers and attorneys throughout the court process, including the role of County Attorneys and the Cabinet for Health and Family’s Office of Legal Services. This session will clarify the Department of Community Based Services’ (DCBS) referral process, such as the role of DCBS in a private petition and court orders for a DCBS referral when criteria is not met. The session will also include insight on Planned Permanent Living Arrangement (PPLA) goals and when that goal is appropriate....(read more)
Title IV-E Judicial
This is a brief and concise webinar on the impact and requirements of Title IV-E of the federal Social Security Act in regards to dependency, neglect and abuse (DNA) orders. When a child is removed from the home, Title IV-E requires that courts make certain findings regarding reasonable efforts and the welfare of the child. Those findings must be properly reflected in the appropriate court order. According to a recent case review by DCBS, over 200 children were ineligible for Title IV-E because of errors and/or omissions regarding whether reasonable efforts were made and/or whether remaining in the home of removal was contrary to the child’s welfare. This training has been shared with judges and clerks across Kentucky....(read more)
Transracial Parenting
This web-based training, based on content developed by the Northern American Council on Adoptable Children, is intended for Foster/Adoptive Parents, Kinship Care Providers and DCBS Staff who work with Foster/Adoptive Parents that will be caring for children of another race or culture. Step-by-step training on important issues related to transracial or transcultural adoption or foster care will be provided. The NACAC developed these materials to help parents make better decisions about their ability (present and potential) to raise a child of another race, culture, or ethnicity. The curriculum is designed to help parents understand the implications of raising a child of a different background and is intended to allow parents to decide what type of placement is right for their family. The topics addressed in this training include: motivations, values, family, home, community, cultural identity and racism....(read more)
Trauma-Focused Behavior Management: Part I
This mandatory training is for all foster parents. Part I is online and discusses the discipline policy, including the DPP-1291, and provides information on grief and trauma. This training will share parenting skills and strategies to manage the behavior of a youth who has experienced trauma and Self-Care....(read more)
Trauma-Informed Care for Child-Serving Professionals
This training, conducted by the UK Center on Trauma and Children, is intended for R&C staff, PCC staff and other interested DCBS staff. This training provides an overview of the impact of trauma exposure on children/youth and the impact on functioning both at home and at school. Participants will learn the following: the types of trauma children and youth may be exposed to; the impact of trauma exposure on the developing brain and the subsequent impact on cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral functioning; and the signs and symptoms of traumatic stress and how it may manifest in various settings. Effects of secondary exposure to trauma on professionals is discussed and participants will learn to recognize the signs of secondary traumatic stress. Additionally, participants will identify trauma informed practices they can utilize in their workplace....(read more)
Protection & Permanency
Trauma-Informed Care for Direct Care Professionals
PCC/PCP participants are guided in training and facilitated discussion regarding Trauma Informed Care training they have previously received from their agency. Topics include impacts of trauma for both the youth in their care and secondary trauma for staff, guiding principles of TIC and how these are practically applied in their day-to-day work as well as other areas that the staff have questions....(read more)
Foster Parents
TWIST: Case Transfer and Case Share Navigation
This web-based training is designed for CPS and APS supervisors, specialists and associates in P&P who complete the Case Transfer and Case Share process. DCBS has finalized recent TWIST changes to streamline the documentation....(read more)
TWIST: Employee Investigations Navigation
This web-based training is designed for all APS and CPS staff, supervisors, specialists and associates in P&P who complete the Employee Investigation process. DCBS has finalized recent TWIST changes to streamline the documentation....(read more)
TWIST: Title IV-E for Children's Benefit Workers
This web-based training will review the Payments/Title IV-E screens with the Children's Benefit Workers. The instruction will help them learn the more stream-lined approach on how to document and verify system changes impacting Title IV-E eligibility for children in out-of-home care....(read more)
Understanding Cultural Differences and Implicit Bias
This web-based training provides information and definitions around cultural concepts, stereotypes, implicit bias, disproportionality and cultural humility. The participants will understand their own cultural identities, define what culture is, and learn the history behind many stereotypes and prejudices. This training is a prerequisite for the Responding to the Impact of Implicit Bias classroom training....(read more)
Understanding Poverty and Barriers to Self-Sufficiency
This web-based training is intended for new or tenured Family Support workers. Through direct scenario completion, participants will experience the barriers clients face on a daily basis when in an impoverished situation. Participants will be asked to complete scenarios with unique barriers.
Using Narcan Nasal Spray for Opioid Overdose Emergencies
This web-based training is intended for all DCBS Staff and will instruct participants on how to administer Narcan Nasal Spray in the event of an opioid overdoes emergency. Narcan will be located in first aid kits in the local DCBS Offices....(read more)
Using Non-Physical De-Escalation with Children and Youth
This web-based training intended for P&P Staff including admins in FS and P&P will focus on preparing staff with the knowledge and skills necessary for non-physical de-escalation of volatile behaviors/situations which may be encountered when working with children and youth....(read more)
Using Social Media and Technology to Engage Children, Youth, and Families
This training is intended for all DCBS staff who work with families. During the COVID-19 crisis, child welfare workers are using technology to communicate with families, and foster parents are using technology to connect youth in their care to services and maintain connection between youth and their biological families. This webinar offers considerations and best practices to support child welfare workers as they use technology with the families they serve....(read more)
Virtual Supervision
This training is intended for anyone providing supervision in Protection and Permanency. With the child welfare workforce currently working from home, supervision is more important than ever to ensure continued quality service provision and to keep children safe and families together. How is supervision changing to respond to this new virtual world? What adjustments are being made? This webinar offers expert guidance on virtual supervision and provides opportunities for participants to ask questions and exchange information....(read more)
This training is intended for all DCBS staff. In these uncertain times, we are all presented with new concerns about ourselves, our teams, and those we love. In this time of unprecedented global crisis, our national child welfare workforce and leaders also find themselves facing new challenges and stressors as everything about the old "normal" is changing. In this session, Dr. Amelia Franck Meyer will provide hopeful perspectives, concrete action steps and tools, and words of comfort and support for our workforce to help them manage through this crisis. Participants will receive ideas to cope and prepare to be in the best position and condition possible as we begin to rebuild together....(read more)
Worker Portal Functions for SRAAs and Supervisors
This web-based training is intended for SRAAs and Supervisors and will highlight key Worker Portal screens and functions to aid supervisors in their day-to-day jobs. It will provide supervisors hands-on experience in the system with the intention of increasing productivity and improving quality control....(read more)
Worker Portal: Inquiry Navigation
This web-based training introduces new FS Case Workers to the Worker Portal system, and demonstrates how to navigate the system looking for various aspects of a case. Upon completion of this training, participants should have a working knowledge of the Worker Portal system and be able to locate general cases, and specific details of cases....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services.
Worker Portal: Navigating the Quality Assurance Module for Case Reviews
This web-based training is intended for supervisors, principle caseworkers, PAPS, QC Staff, case review team members, and others who review Family Support cases. Participants will receive instruction on navigation of the Quality Assurance module on Worker Portal to review cases....(read more)
Worker Portal: Reception Log and Online Help
Upon completion of this web-based training, participants will be able to create a task on the Worker Portal Reception Log, locate and start a pending task on the dashboard, locate a task in the inbox in order to mark as complete, and use online help in Worker Portal....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services
Worker Portal: System Matches
This web-based training is intended to instruct Family Support workers on identification and resolution of system matches, including PARIS matches, Batch Match and New Hire Report tasks. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to resolve system match tasks on Worker Portal and complete any necessary changes to the appropriate case(s).
Worker Portal: Voice Signature and E-Signature
This web-based training is part of the SNAP for Worker Portal series and mandatory for new workers. It is optional for tenured staff as needed. Upon completion, participants will be able to recognize the process for completing Voice Signature or E-signature for applications, explain the Remote ID Proofing process, and what action needs to be taken when the RIDP process fails....(read more)
New Employee Orientation; Introduction to Community Based Services; SNAP for Worker Portal: Support Services
Working with Adults with Developmental Disabilities: Effective Communication and Evidence Collection
This web-based training is intended for Protection & Permanency workers responsible for Adult Protective Services (APS). This training will assist the worker in developing insights into and refine their skill set as it relates to engaging adults with disabilities by providing information on interview techniques, observational considerations, record review and coordination with other investigative entities. The training will offer participants effective strategies geared toward improving service delivery and outcomes for adults with physical, developmental and intellectual disabilities....(read more)
Writing Case Plans: A Refresher for Tenured Staff
This training is designed for P&P staff who have completed Foundations: Case Management and are responsible for developing case plans. The training emphasizes family engagement and recognizing safety and risks from the assessment to appropriately document them in the family’s case plan....(read more)